Do you receive any revenue from blogging?
#Response DateComment
1.Mon, 7/30/07 4:35 AMOne of my blogs may be written on library time but I usually write it on my own.
2.Mon, 7/30/07 1:42 PMaffiliate revenue
3.Mon, 7/30/07 4:16 PMMy personal blog is for a small science fiction magazine I publish, people buy copies through my website which they get to from my blog
4.Mon, 7/30/07 4:22 PMOccasionally, I mention a book in my blog and get Amazon referral fees when someone follows the link to buy it.
5.Mon, 7/30/07 5:29 PMReview copies of books
6.Mon, 7/30/07 7:45 PMinvited to conferences and give talks
7.Tue, 7/31/07 1:14 PMItry to sell a (not mine)book I published and a CD from someone else. No money yet.
8.Tue, 7/31/07 8:14 PMAmazon Associate
9.Wed, 8/1/07 12:52 AMI am paid to contribute to one blog, but not my personal blog
10.Wed, 8/1/07 10:05 PMYes, for my personal blog which is not library related. No for the professional collaborative blog, which is library related.
11.Thu, 8/2/07 7:52 PMblogging (on my non-library-related blog) has led to paid freelance writing in local media
12.Sat, 8/4/07 11:19 PMI can blog on work time, but it is not an official part of my job
13.Sun, 8/5/07 2:35 AMAmazon associate
14.Sun, 8/5/07 12:48 PMthat's vague for me - I got my job because of my blog, and I'm invited to paid speaking gigs because of my blog... so do I get paid to blog? Hmm...
15.Tue, 8/7/07 1:23 PMI blog as part of my job, but it's not specifically in my job description
16.Wed, 8/15/07 6:40 PMonce got paid for publishing a blog post.