The sound of silence

I’m not one of those people who really notices the sound my computer makes. All through college I practically slept with my laptop on the bed next to me (how romantic!). My husband, on the other hand, is really sensitive to noise, and has made it his life’s mission to build silent and cool running PCs. He even wrote an article with instructions on how to build a silent PC (he had a lot of free time before we met). 😉 Well, now I guess this quest for the silent PC has become mainstream if the New York Times has picked it up. Tomorrow’s New York Times will have an article about how loud PCs have gotten (due to the need for fans to cool computers with faster and faster processors) and how to make them quiet. I always love seeing geek stuff go mainstream!

1 Comment

  1. Heh heh. The ubercomputer I’m on right now is running a sweet 73 degrees, but sounds like a single engine Cessna taking off. I have this thing about putting a fan every place a fan can possibly go. Our server at work is slightly louder… or, more accurately, it deadens noise. It’s quite an odd experience to try to hear things in the reference room over it.

    The noise doesn’t bother me much, either, but I think part of the allure of building cooler, quieter, is the same allure of building faster, smaller… Why? Because you CAN!

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