Writing and research are great pleasures of mine and my work has been cited in hundreds of scholarly and professional publications, used as required readings in graduate-level library and education classes, and reviewed in many major library science publications. You can view selected publications that have cited my writing in my Google Scholar profile.


Social Software in Libraries coverFarkas, Meredith G. Social Software in Libraries: Building Collaboration, Communication and Community Online. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2007.
This is the first book to explore the growing phenomenon of social software and how these technologies can be applied in libraries. Social software lets libraries show a human face online, helping them communicate, educate, and interact with their communities. This nuts-and-bolts guide provides librarians with the information and skills necessary to implement the most popular and effective social software technologies: blogs, RSS, wikis, social networking software, screencasting, photo-sharing, podcasting, instant messaging, gaming, and more. Success stories and interviews highlight these tools’ ease-of-use—and tremendous impact. Novice readers will find ample descriptions and advice on using each technology, while veteran users of social software will discover new applications and approaches. Supported by the author’s Web page.

Book Chapters

Handheld Library cover
Farkas, Meredith G.
“Mobile Learning: The Teacher in your Pocket.” The Handheld Library: Mobile Technology and the Librarian. Eds. Thomas A. Peters and Lori Bell. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013.

Farkas, Meredith. “Libraries Need to Ask Tough Questions Before Embracing E-Books.” At Issue: Are Books Becoming Extinct? Eds. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2012.

Farkas, Meredith G. “Embedded Library, Embedded Librarian: Strategies for Providing Reference Services in Online Courseware.” The Desk and Beyond: Next-Generation Reference Services. Eds. Sarah Steiner and M. Leslie Madden. Chicago: ACRL, 2008.

Farkas, Meredith G. “Training Librarians for the Future: Integrating Technology into LIS Education.” Information Tomorrow: Reflections on Technology and the Future of Public & Academic Libraries. Ed. Rachel Singer Gordon. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2007.


Reference Services Review cover

Kirby, M., & Farkas, M. (2024). “Leading and Locked Out: Academic Community College Librarianship.” College & Research Libraries News85(5), 186.

Farkas, M. (2023). “Neither open nor equitable: The high cost of open offices.” College & Research Libraries News84(11), 407.

Farkas, M. (2022). “The distance between our values and actions: we can’t be passive when it comes to privacy.” OLA Quarterly27(1), 43-49.

Farkas, Meredith. “Technology In Practice” – Regular column in American Libraries 2007 – 2021

Farkas, M. G. (2016). “Mentoring is just reaching out and sharing our experience.”  OLA Quarterly, 21(3), 10-12. 

Farkas, M. G.  (2015, October 5). “The next Librarian of Congress should be an actual librarian.” The New Republic 

Farkas, M. G. (2015, Summer). Libraries in the learning management system. ACRL Instruction Section: Instructional Technologies Committee Tips and Trends.  

Farkas, Meredith Gorran, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, and Amy Harris Houk. (2015). “Bridges and Barriers: Factors Influencing a Culture of Assessment in Academic Libraries.” College & Research Libraries 76(2) 150-169.

Farkas, Meredith G. and Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe. “Library Faculty and Instructional Assessment: Creating a Culture of Assessment through the High Performance Programming Model of Organizational Transformation.” Journal of Collaborative Librarianship.

Farkas, Meredith G. “Accountability vs. Improvement: Seeking Balance in the Value of Academic Libraries Initiative.” OLA Quarterly 19.1 (2013): 4-7.

Farkas, Meredith. “Building and Sustaining a Culture of Assessment: Best Practices for Change Leadership.” Reference Services Review 41.1 (2013): 13-31.

Farkas, Meredith. “Web Conferencing Software.” ACRL Instruction Section: Instructional Technologies Committee Tips and Trends (Winter 2013).

Farkas, Meredith. “Participatory Technologies, Pedagogy 2.0 and Information Literacy.” Library Hi Tech 30.1 (2012): 82-94.

What We Need Cover
Farkas, Meredith. “Research Guide Technologies.” ACRL Instruction Section: Instructional Technologies Committee Tips and Trends (Spring 2012).

Farkas, Meredith. “Effective Library 2.0 Services.” Panlibus 17 (2010): 6-7.

Farkas, Meredith. “Collaborate to Innovate.” And Now for Something Completely Different: Our Future from Outside the Box. ALCTS Symposium at ALA Midwinter 2010, January 15, 2010, Boston, MA.

Farkas, Meredith and Chrystie Hill. “What We Need.” Library Journal 113.16 (2008): 24-27.

Farkas, Meredith. “The Bloggers Among Us.” Library Journal 132.20 (2007): 40-43.

Farkas, Meredith. “Balancing the Online Life.” American Libraries 38.1 (2007): 42-45.

Farkas, Meredith. “A Glimpse at the Future of Online Conferences.” American Libraries 37.6 (2006): 28.

Farkas, M. G. (2005, September). Using Wikis to Create Online CommunitiesWebJunction..

Farkas, M. G. (2005, September). So You Want to Build a Wiki? WebJunction.


Sole author, Information Wants to be Free – Over 1000 posts between November 2004 and present.


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