Hot new blog, or RSS for the busy clinician redux

Good news! David Rothman, whom I recently wrote about here and Michael Stephens wrote about here, has just started his own blog ( on medical librarianship and technology. He is doing some really cool things with using RSS to provide outreach to busy clinicians and I’m sure will have a lot of great practical insights to offer us all. I encouraged him to start a blog and get his ideas out there because I’ve found that most medical librarian blogs are very subject specific (and thus for a limited librarian audience), while talking about the use of technology in hospitals and health science libraries is interesting to anyone who provides liaison services to a busy population. I’d love to hear more about how medical librarians, or law librarians, or corporate librarians, or any kind of librarian is providing outreach to their service population using technology. So much of it is adaptable for any library population.

These days, with so many blogs by librarians out there, one really needs to have a unique perspective or offer something unique to really be interesting/beneficial to other librarians. I think David is really filling a void with his blog and I look forward to reading more about his experiences and insights about using social software in hospital libraries.

1 Comment

  1. Great news! I will share this with my Info Tech class at Pitt. We were recently discussing different ways to use RSS feeds in various library environments, and an example of a medical library would be useful.

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