Future of LIS education?

In October, I’m speaking at a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland entitled The Future is here: Are we prepared? New thinking in education for public librarians. (PDF). My talk is entitled “Librarian 2.0: The Future of Library Education and the 2.0 Organization.” I want to look at the skills/competencies librarians need in a 2.0 world and what libraries and library schools need to do to foster those skills.

To that end, I’ve created a very brief four question survey designed to get people’s opinions about the skills they think librarians need to be successful today and what they think libraries should be teaching. The first question is just for people who’ve graduated from library or information school in the past 10 years, but the other questions can be answered by anyone who’s been through an LIS program. I’d really appreciate it if you’d consider taking the survey (shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes of your time) as it will help me greatly in creating a well-rounded presentation that reflects more than my own opinions. I’d be especially thrilled for people working in public libraries to put in their 2 cents, but insights from any people who went through LIS programs are welcome.

I am super excited about the conference and visiting Iceland for the first time. Ever since college, I’ve been subscribed to IcelandAir’s lucky fares emails, but I never really thought I’d have the opportunity to go!


  1. Padraic

    Hi Meredith,

    Is that the correct link for the pdf?

  2. Melissa dessent

    Hi Meredith.

    I am in the MLIS program at Dominican. One thing I’ve noticed that is missing is Project Management classes. This can apply for people in technology as well as working anywhere else. I’ve been a project manager/business analyst/tester for 10 years and can’t stress the importance of basic project management skills enough!! In some ways I think it should be part of the core curriculum.

  3. I’m interested in the results of your survey. Will you be making them available online?

  4. I will definitely share them. It may take a while because I’m so busy with other stuff, but I’ll definitely do it.

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