Ok, well maybe a 15 minute Cybertour isn’t such a big deal for seasoned speakers like Michael Stephens or Alane Wilson, but this is going to be my very first time speaking at a conference. Ever. And for someone who avoided taking classes in college with fewer than 20 people because she was afraid of talking in class, this is HUGE!

So all because of the 45 minutes I spent creating a wiki for CIL2006 (while watching Celebrity Fit Club — mock me if you dare!), I was asked to give a Cybertour at Computers in Libraries. I’m going to be speaking about wikis (surprise, surprise) in the exhibit hall on Thursday March 23 at 2:00 pm. I know it conflicts with other programs, but hey, if you’re bored, stop by and say hello. 🙂 I’ll be the one shaking like a leaf.

It’ll be very good practice for my talk at the Vermont Library Association Annual Conference in May. There I’ll be talking for over an hour. EEEEKKK!

CIL2006, VLA2006, VLA