Wanna be in my book? Librarians needed.

For one chapter in my book on social software in libraries, I’m discussing how librarians can determine which tools are the best for their library and population. To that end, I’ve been interviewing folks who work in all different kinds of libraries (and with different populations) to offer their two cents on which social software applications are the best in their type of library/for their service population.

I just need to do a few more interviews and am looking for volunteers. So if you’re social software savvy, work in one of the following libraries/with one of the following populations, and would like to be in my book, please e-mail me at mgfarkas [at] gmail [dot] com and I’ll send you the specific question. I just need a brief answer, so this wouldn’t require much time on your part. Ok, here are the folks I need:

  • Public librarian – working with children
  • Academic librarian – working with distance learners
  • Law librarian
  • Special librarian – not academic, not corporate

So far, I have an academic librarian who works with on-campus students, a teen librarian, a corporate librarian, a public librarian who primarily works with adults, a medical (hospital) librarian and a school librarian. I know there are plenty of other types of libraries, but I figure that the populations are fairly similar and I don’t want this chapter to be ridiculously long or redundant. If you think I’m being remiss and am missing an important library (population) type that wouldn’t fit into one of these categories, please let me know.

Update: Got volunteers in all areas! Thanks!

Thanks in advance for your help! You rock!


  1. If you would like an academic health sciences librarian, I’m willing. Having worked as a hospital librarian and an academic health sciences librarian, there are difference to an extent. The patron base can be very different. But I digress…

    Thanks again for the favorable review of our presentation!

  2. Hi Meredith,

    I’m a special collections librarian in a public library where I also provide reference services to all age groups and coordinate our e-mail reference service. I’m considered one of the tech-savvy staff, so if anyone is having problems with Messenger, etc., my colleagues quite often consult with me before calling the Help Desk. I believe I fit your need for a special librarian – non academic, non-corporate. I hope you agree!

  3. Thanks, Rebecca. I got a distance librarian, but I appreciate the offer!

  4. Ruth Kneale

    hi Meredith,

    I’m a special librarian working in a scientific library, kind of…. as a systems librarian 99% of my collection is electronic. I don’t have a library per se (no books), and my patron base is primarily engineering with a smattering of scientists thrown in. I’m willing and interested if you could use my experiences!

  5. not sure this fits, but what about how library schools are using/introducing social software in classes to prepare us for using it in the workplace???

  6. Echo

    An academic librarian friend of mine directed me to your site. I’m a tech-interested children’s librarian in a public library. Still need a volunteer?

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