I am such a sheep!

This week I have joined not one, but two cults. First, I went and bought a MacBook Pro. It was really about time. I have not been able to update Windows on my VAIO since November, which means that I was using what was essentially a ticking time bomb for all sorts of important work. About 6 weeks ago, Adam bought his own MacBook Pro and once I tried it out, I was hooked. I’d never really understood what was so great about Macs, but it’s really just a conglomeration of little things that make it so much more user friendly (and fun!). And can I just tell you how much nicer it is to use Keynote versus PowerPoint. Holy moley!

Then today, I gave in to peer pressure and joined Twitter. It seemed like my friends were having all sorts of fun conversations (as much of a conversation one can have in that medium) on Twitter that I was not a part of and I started to realize that while I may not like the idea of Twitter, you kind of have to go where your friends are. Well you don’t have to, but then you’d be all by your lonesome. Took me a while to really get into IM too. We’ll see if this sticks (I doubt it). If you’re that curious about what I’m up to, feel free to add me.

See! The sheep recognize me as one of their own!

Hey! Get out of there


  1. Michele

    Once you have a Mac, you’ll never go back! Apple is not perfect, but they really excel in areas like usability, design, and attention to detail.

  2. I don’t join cults. Twitter is not a cult. Repeat. Twitter is not a cult. Not a cult. Repeat.

  3. Welcome to the Mac world! There is virtually no piece of software you cannot run. The world is yours!

  4. Ha! When I give talks on the Getting Things Done (GTD) system, I usually open by saying “GTD is not a cult. Now you know you are in for it, because when someone feels he has to start out by saying ‘this is not a cult’ you know for sure IT’S A CULT!”

    So anyway, Twitter: not a cult, but Macintosh: certainly a cult. And it’s only the best cult ever. Michele is actually in big trouble right now for saying that Apple is not perfect. Nice knowing ya, Michele.

    Meredith, as I told David Lee King, there are plenty of options when it comes to getting the Apple tattoo. Don’t rush into anything.

  5. Julian

    Is Keynote the presentation software I saw Paul Miller from Talis use in his presentation at CIL last year? The one with all the cool transitions not found in PowerPoint? If it is, then I was mesmerized by its appearance. It was enough to make me pay closer attention to the presentation. I’m more of a Linux guy myself, but if (hopefully, once) I start doing lots of presentations, a MacBook might work its way into my stable of systems because I’m not sure that OpenOffice.org Impress measures up… and I avoid Windows whenever possible.

  6. Keynote ROCKS. I am having to use PowerPoint to create a poster at work, and it’s just horrible.

    Counting the days until work buys me a Mac (which they have promised to do, yay)…

  7. Yes, Julian. If I remember correctly, it is what Paul Miller used. You can do so many really slick looking transitions, easily embed movies, etc. It does all of the things I have tried to make PPT do and failed miserably.

  8. Please don’t take this personally, but since I’ve already joined you at Flickr, can I add Doggles at Twitter?

  9. Unfortunately, Doggles and Steve Lawson had a falling out last year and now Doggles refuses to have anything to do with sites that Lawson takes part in. It’s been really hard avoiding choosing sides in this rivalry, especially when doggles is just so soft and smooshy and… well… I really haven’t had the opportunity to squeeze Steve Lawson to test his smoosh-ability.

  10. I’ve been a Mac user since 1986 (though your Mac will kick the crap out of my little old iBook). They are good things. I am blaming you (well, you and Josh Neff) for the fact that I just decided I’d better investigate Twitter, too. Oh, and Dorothea, since she just wrote about it. I’d better blame her, too. 🙂

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