Remember a few weeks ago when I wrote that I really wanted to be an online adjunct instructor at a library school so I could teach social software to LIS students? And how I’d broached the idea with the Dean at FSU? Well… funny thing about that. The next morning I got an e-mail from Linda Main, the Associate Director of the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University asking if I’d like to replicate Five Weeks to a Social Library as a regular for-credit class for the MLIS students at SJSU in Spring 2008. To say that was unexpected would be the understatement of the year!

Thanks to Laurie Putnam for e-mailing Linda that very day and putting a bug in her ear about me. Success in this field is all about having champions who believe in you. In the blogosphere, sometimes it’s not who you know, but who knows you, that makes all the difference. No one can tell me that blogging can’t be good for your career! 🙂

I couldn’t be more excited about teaching online for SJSU this Spring and I’m looking forward to developing the class this Fall.

In spite of the stress and the headaches and the having no time, I am keenly aware of how lucky I am to have these opportunities to do what I love.