Quiet time

Friends Lake

Originally uploaded by ftzdomino

Tomorrow morning, Adam and I are leaving for a vacation in the Adirondacks. This is the first time in AGES that our vacations haven’t either centered around a talk I’m giving or a trip to visit family. This is an honest-to-goodness no obligations, do-as-little-as-possible, email-and-feed-free vacation. And after the year we’ve had, we both really need it.

After that, I’ll be getting back for the second week of our distance learners’ Residency (the first time I ever get to meet the students I’ve worked with for two years previous) and then will be leaving on the 26th for ALA Annual in Anaheim. I’ll be covering the exhibit hall again for American Libraries and am on two committees so I expect to be pretty busy. But I’ll definitely be part of the LITA Top Tech Trends panel on Sunday afternoon and wouldn’t miss the blogger salon for anything. Hope to see you there!

With all that going on, you can expect this blog to be pretty quiet for a while.


  1. Enjoy the Adirondacks! I’m thinking about heading in this weekend, as well… it should be lovely, and I’m sure you’ll have a fantastic time just enjoying it without any obligation other than vacation.

  2. The MMH Residency should be interesting – I haven’t worked as closely with these students as Jen did, but I know a couple of them. I guess we’ll see how crazy the week will be…

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