My friend, the incredibly awesome David Rothman, has co-authored a book (with another fantastic medical librarian and a physician) on Internet Cool Tools for Physicians. The book is designed to help physicians find the best medical resources on the web. Given the glut of medical resources online — some questionable, some excellent — this should be a useful title for any physician or medical librarian. Also, how can you not love that cover??? Those of us who’ve written for LIS presses are very jealous of that cover, David!!!
Posted inlibrarianship reference writing
Internet Cool Tools for Physicians
Meredith Farkas is a faculty librarian at Portland Community College in Oregon. From 2007-2021, she wrote the monthly column “Technology in Practice” for American Libraries. Meredith was honored in 2014 with the ACRL Instruction Section Innovation Award, in 2008 and 2011 with the WISE Excellence in Online Education Award and in 2009 with the LITA/Library Hi Tech award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology. She has been writing the blog Information Wants to be Free since 2004.
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Thanks, Meredith! Melissa Rethlefsen did far more work on it than I did and is first author for many good reasons. 🙂
Well, that doesn’t make you any less awesome, though it might possibly make Melissa slightly more fantastic than she already is. 🙂
That’d be a tall order, Meredith. Melissa is pretty amazingly awesome. I’ve been really fortunate to be her friend and collaborator.
Thanks for checking out the book (Meredith) and for the praise (David)!
I hope that people actually find it useful.
And, I love the cover, too!
How is the book for the nonspecialist, say a public librarian and general readers?
They will have some fun with it as well, it is a good and simple introduction to medical online information such as medical search engines, social networks etc.
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