The folks at American Libraries have done a beautiful job with their Drupal-based website. It’s a heck of a lot more polished than their old site and contains not only content from the magazine, but additional news stories and terrific blogs from some great thinkers in the profession. A huge improvement over their old site is the addition of RSS feeds! And the RSS feeds are granular enough that you can get just the content you want and nothing additional. If you want to follow my “Technology in Practice” column, here is the RSS feed. Some months (like last month when I wrote about Twitter) I include additional content in the online edition. The online version of my column also comes out prior to the print issue. For those who are interested in following this blog, my American Libraries column and my Slideshare presentations (my slides from presentations), you can subscribe to this RSS feed and receive the content in your aggregator of choice when new content is produced in any of those places.

My compliments to Sean Fitzpatrick at ALA for his hard work on the site. You’ve done a fantastic job!