For library folks near the Buffalo area, I wanted to let you know that I'll be participating in an all-day conference on "Gadgets and Gear" for the Western New York…
I took an absolutely obscene amount of notes from Ken Haycock’s keynote, because it was just one pearl of wisdom after another (I’m only including some choice bits here). I’ve…
Day 2 was just as full and wonderful as Day 1. I continued my mostly staying offline during the conference and I think it really helped me to keep focused…
Since it had been two years since I’d been to an Information Today Conference, I was really excited to attend Computers in Libraries and it did not disappoint. It was…
I've been teaching a class on Web 2.0 since 2007, and this semester is the first time that I've actually had a full week on Twitter (well, microblogging and lifestreaming…
In response to my post a few days ago about EBSCO, Sarah Houghton-Jan just wrote an impassioned post about unethical vendor practices, suggesting that we let our vendors know when…
Absolutely. I was less than thrilled with the way EBSCO has dealt with some of its customers vis-à-vis Harvard Business Review. I thought it was pretty evil that they signed…
In the Fall, I wrote a post about my own thoughts on who should teach information literacy in academic libraries. In theory, I don't care who teaches information literacy as…
This is a post mainly for those professionals who are passionate about their careers and are considering having children but wonder/worry what impact it might have on their life and…
This morning I felt really sick to my stomach and dizzy, so after helping to get Reed dressed, Adam ended up taking him to daycare. I spent 20 minutes lying…
For the holidays, I bought Reed an awesome personalized book. While I still have the personalized book my dad made me when I was 3, I must admit that the…
Going into a new decade (I know technically it's not a new decade until 2011, but don't be such a kill-joy!) is a good time for reflection. After seeing all…