Writing is going well in terms of quantity. I’m nearly halfway done in terms of words written, which I can hardly believe myself. However, given my ineptitude when it comes to citing sources properly, I will definitely have a lot of post-writing work to do. I also haven’t given a thought to what figures and screenshots I need and where I’d want them to go, but I figure I’d save it for the editing phase so I can better see the big picture. All I see right now is a whole lot of very tall trees… no forest.
I’m kind of in a “sick of writing” mood right now. I would rather be doing anything right now other than working on the book (even writing in my blog, which I have never gotten sick of doing). I don’t remember ever being sick of writing before in my life, but then again, I haven’t had to write thousands of words literally every day. I’ve been writing for many hours every day of this vacation and every day, I have had to force myself to do it. I blazed through the first few chapters, but this one is taking me forever (it’s the longest chapter of the book) and I just want it to end. I don’t even know if what I’m writing is even good anymore, but Adam’s taken a few glances at previous chapters and thought they were well written. I know I’ll get the book finished by my deadline, but my big fear is that it won’t be good. It’s one thing to write a sucky article that no one will remember a year later, but a sucky book will be on Amazon for a good long while and will be a constant reminder of your suckitude (don’t worry — I don’t write like this in the book!). I know I’m never happy with my writing and am just being paranoid, but I guess I’m just starting to become aware of the weight of what I’m doing. A book is a big deal.
I’m going to be taking a well-needed break from writing (and thinking about writing) for a few days, though. Adam and I are taking a trip up to Montreal tomorrow and we are NOT brining the laptops! It’ll be nice to get away from anything related to the book for a few days and hopefully I’ll come back with my batteries recharged and ready to jump into the next chapter. Luckily it’s a chapter I’m pretty psyched about writing so the timing is good.
I’ve never been to Canada before (!) so I’m really psyched to spend some time in Montreal, practicing my French, eating croissants, and doing some well-deserved shopping. With only one Banana Republic in the entire state of Vermont, I’ve been very well-behaved when it comes to spending money on clothes. My only clothing purchases have been gloves, a jacket, and snow boots. I think I can do a bit better than that in Montreal. 😉
I hope everyone is having a great holiday season.
A book is indeed a major big deal. Glad to see that you’re on track and making your way through the trees.
I don’t remember who you’re writing it for (publisher), but be sure that it is promoted well or all of the work will be for not.
Have a wonderful New Year’s!
Hang in there! I think there’s a point in most book projects where you’re ready to stop writing entirely…and the longest chapter of a book is a pretty likely place to hit the wall. The trip should help, particularly since you have the sense to leave the laptop at home.
Hi Meredith! Welcome to Canada! Just a note, Montreal is bilingual (English and French). Despite what you might have heard from the mass media (i.e., Amazing Race and typical American reporting perspective of Canada), Quebec is not all French-speaking, especially in Montreal. You will find English mostly spoken in Montreal, and in fact, its prestigious university McGill (Canada’s version of Harvard or Yale) has most of its classes taught in English. The shopping definitely is better than in Vermont, but beware of the QST (7.5%) and GST (7%) which will add an additional 14.5% to the price tag. Be sure to keep your receipts from everything paid for in Canada to claim refunds on the taxes when you get back to the USA. Here is the web-site for the information and forms http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tax/nonresidents/visitors/individuals/claim-e.html#P19_295. Cheers.
Hi Meredith,
I recognize a lot in this post. Like you, I got a book deal and then had worries about whether the book would be any good. Over the years I have written quite some articles and delivered some lectures, but writing a *real* book is something different.
For 9 months I spent at least two nights per week writing and re-writing, even when I did not feel like it. Kudos to my wife who sent me off to my computer to write, turning down every excuse I had not to write 😉
If you have problems writing one chapter, leave it alone for a while and continue another one. And indeed, be aware of post-writing… I just spent several hours looking up the references for my book!
hang in there… regards,
Last Spring, I finished my first book ever, and am now in the thick of working on my second. For what it’s worth, I know exactly how you feel. I’m still not all that satisified with my work on the first book, despite hearing a lot of very nice things said about it. And now, on this second effort, it’s all I can do sometimes to keep from sabotaging myself by worrying about how well I’m going to do.
The best thing to do is to just do it, do it the best you can, and forge ahead. You’re doing better than you think you are, and it’ll be done long before you know it. And remember, you’re writing a book. Really writing a book! Holy crap, that’s a big deal! 🙂
Montreal is wonderful, I was there for a few days in early April (the snow was just melting). Great punk scene, gritty atmosphere, awesome food, it’s a wonderful place. Only thing that annoyed me was that I only speak a little French (though I can read and understand a lot more) and every time I went to be polite and would ask for things in French, they would hear my crappy accent and immediately talk to me in English. Sigh.
Best of luck with the writing!