Google Scholar Buzzlibraries, search

by Meredith Farkas on 11/20/2004 with Comments Off on Google Scholar Buzz

Wow, Google must be thrilled by all the free press and panic they’re getting from librarians with their brand new offering, Google Scholar. I’d put in my two cents, but I really don’t have much to add when it’s been covered by just about every blog I read. Instead, enjoy some insights on Google’s new …

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PSAour digital future

by Meredith Farkas on 11/18/2004 with Comments Off on PSA

I just wanted to encourage everyone to watch series of lectures on C-SPAN organized by the Library of Congress entitled The Digital Future. There are some great people who are going to speak (Lawrence Lessig, David Weinberger, MIT’s Neil Gershenfeld, etc.). If you miss them on TV, you can access the video feed from C-SPAN’s …

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It was bound to happenour digital future

by Meredith Farkas on 11/18/2004 with Comments Off on It was bound to happen

One of the many wonderful things about RSS feeds is that they are blissfully devoid of advertising. That may not be the case much longer. According to Wired News, “a new pilot program from FeedBurner embeds ads in the feeds of a number of the company’s content-publishing partners.” This is probably the begining of the …

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Grrrrr…hi, our digital future

by Meredith Farkas on 11/17/2004 with Comments Off on Grrrrr…

Our servers were down for almost seven hours today. This is really unprecedented. At first I thought I’d somehow caused it, but fortunately (or not) it was not my fault. Apparently the DOT cut some fiber optic lines right near where the servers were housed, making the fact that ServInt has redundant pathways to the …

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If it didn’t work for the RIAA…intellectual freedom, our digital future

by Meredith Farkas on 11/17/2004 with Comments Off on If it didn’t work for the RIAA…

The MPAA has filed their first bunch of lawsuits against people who offer movies for download. Apparently they were inspired by the rousing success of the RIAA’s campaign to sue music sharers into oblivion (hmmm… how’s that going?). Slightly more scary is the Intellectual Property Protection Act which contains a slew of measures including criminal …

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Glad they didn’t have these when I was in school!intellectual freedom, our digital future

by Meredith Farkas on 11/17/2004 with Comments Off on Glad they didn’t have these when I was in school!

Cutting class — almost a right of passage in high school — is no longer an option for Houston area students. According to the NY Times, children in Houston area schools are being equipped with RFID tags that monitor their movements. While this particular project was designed for benign purposes (to prevent kidnappings), it isn’t …

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Wilkommenhi, our digital future

by Meredith Farkas on 11/16/2004 with Comments Off on Wilkommen

Welcome to my new and improved blog. I’d really wanted to keep the old one, but alas, I had to upgrade and am far too lazy to move my old posts over. I promise to replace them right away with new and exciting links and commentary. I was really disturbed by this story out of …

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