The Top 10 1. Annoyed Librarian 2. Librarian in Black 3. Information Wants to be Free 4. 5. Tame the Web 6. Free Range Librarian 7. Library Stuff 8.…
I got back from Denmark last night and I'm still pretty exhausted from the whole trip. I don't even want to contemplate the pile of e-mails I received over the…
In three days, I'll be on a plane, flying to Copenhagen, Denmark. I lived there for almost a year in college and I haven't been back in nine years. I'm…
Then consider taking this survey on group blogging that my friends down under developed. They will be presenting the results at the VALA2008 Conference. The survey looks at motivations for…
If you believe what some people have been saying, maybe so. I didn't want to be on an Annoyed Librarian kick, but she commented on something that had been bothering…
DSC01509 Originally uploaded by FotoSpawn I'm going to be out of town from tomorrow until next Saturday. I definitely won't be posting anything during that time. I also probably won't…
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." -Walt Whitman Steven Bell wrote a comment on my post about the Top Three…
You can find comparisons from 2005 at Blog Demographics and Why We Blog. 12. How long have you had your primary blog?ResponsePercentResponseCount Less than 4 months 16.6% 131 4-8 months 14.2% 112 9 months – 1 year 15.3% 121 13…
As an addendum to my Survey of the Biblioblogosphere and in response to the recent discussions about rating and ranking library blogs, I've created a survey where people can name…
Here are the 2005 results so you can have something to compare it to. 1. What is your gender?ResponsePercentResponseCount Female 66.3% 556 Male 33.5% 281 Other 0.2% 2 answered question 839 skipped question 0 Women are definitely better represented in the blogopshere than…
I'm going to start publishing results from the survey in drips and drabs over the next few weeks hopefully, but this page will be the index to the results and…