Managing the “whole person”

Managing the “whole person”
I'm Watching by Alejandro Hernandez, on Flickr

I’ve been wanting to write about managing people for a long time. This post has been marinating in my head for years and a few things managed to knock it out of me.

The first was this post from Wayne Bivens-Tatum that talks about how much his institution (and specific people within) enabled his recent successes. He wrote:

I know that however externally successful you are, and no matter how great you might actually be, you’re dependent on opportunities you didn’t necessarily create and a whole network of people who enable you to do what you do. Even real rock stars need great sound engineers.

I loved this post because it acknowledges how much of a role one’s institution (as well as others in one’s network) plays in the great and/or innovative things people do both at work and within the larger profession. I don’t know that I’d have done the same things and had the same successes if my first job hadn’t been at Norwich. Would I have written a book a few months into my first professional job? Would I have created Five Weeks to a Social Library? Would I have taught for San Jose State? Had my Director not been supportive of these things, I might still have done them (stubborn person that I am), but I can certainly imagine self-preservation leading the way. If I knew they’d have damaged my career, I almost certainly wouldn’t have taken them on. So many of us who have achieved success were able to do that because of our places of work. Sure, some people do amazing things in spite of being in horrible work situations, but one has to wonder how many potential “movers and shakers” (for lack of a better term) have been stifled due to a bad work environment. In thinking about how we are enabled by our places of work, I can’t help but think of how many people could be doing super-awesome things if not for their places of work.

Another thing that sparked this was a conversation I was having with a colleague of mine who had worked at one of the smaller ARLs a while back. She told me that her former University Librarian said that she saw their library as a farm team for the bigger ARLs. She saw her role as being to help develop fantastic leaders for working at some of the most prestigious research libraries in the world. I found this a lovely way of thinking about the role of a manager. Yes, obviously people need to do their jobs and the goals of the library must be taken into account, but to see a major part of your role as helping develop the skills and talents of your faculty/staff so they can achieve career success is a truly beautiful thing. To me, thinking in that way is the definition of a good manager. A good manager helps enable the success of her staff, helps to smooth over barriers, helps them to improve and develop, and helps them be satisfied (or even happy) in their role. I have always believed as a manager that I worked for the people who report to me and that if they were not successful, it was on me to help them become successful.

As many of you who’ve read my blog for a while know, librarianship was not my first career. Before becoming a librarian, I was a psychotherapist working with children and their families. Changing careers was a painful decision. I felt like a bad person leaving social work; like a sell-out. And I thought my colleagues would think the same of me. I still remember when, at a major local conference, I announced to colleagues that I was leaving the profession. Instead of being accused of being a sell-out, people said that they were envious of me; that they’d do the same if they didn’t have families, debt, etc. They applauded me for taking the risk. For so many of us, working in mental health was eating us alive. Dealing with the stress of our work, the violent clients, the heartbreaking cases, and the constant threat of losing state funding was unbearable. People I worked with ended up either divorcing themselves emotionally from their work and doing very little for their clients or caring so much that their work became their life. I was going down the latter road, spending all my time worrying about my clients, waking up in the middle of the night thinking about some of the most painful cases, and doing paperwork on weekends since I spent at least 50 hours a week driving all over the county visiting clients and their families. I barely slept, I lost weight, and all I wanted to do was find a way to adopt 50% of the kids on my caseload.

What always amazes me, in hindsight, is that the organizations I worked for didn’t seem to focus on keeping their own therapists and case workers healthy and happy. There was no talk about work-life balance, self-care, cutting down one’s caseload, dealing with emotionally-taxing situations, etc. The closest thing to self-care we got was a self-defense workshop where we learned different ways to subdue an attacker. At my social work internship, where I provided therapy to adults, the case worker down the hall from me was stabbed in our building and yet little was done. We didn’t talk about the issue and no steps were taken to better protect us. I don’t remember ever feeling like I could come to my supervisor in my first full-time job and say that my caseload was too crazy. Our staff meetings were frequently about who was achieving the highest number of billable hours. It felt like Glengarry Glen Ross (just without the money).

My views on management come from my experiences as a therapist and as an employee of mental health organizations. They also come from my former boss at Norwich, Ellen Hall, who was an exemplar of what a manager and leader should be. I feel so lucky to have worked for Ellen (our now-retired Library Director) and learned from her. She was so willing to share with me the reasoning behind her decisions and how she approached management issues and, for that, I will be forever grateful. Ellen always said that if her employees went on to great jobs at other places, she had done her job. She wanted to see me become a manager, and eventually a director, and helped me gain the knowledge and experience I needed to move forward with my career. She was a tireless advocate for the library and her librarians. She understood that happy employees = productive and passionate employees and always tried to help us achieve great things. She made me believe I was capable of so much more than I believed myself and always encouraged risk-taking, experimentation and growth. While things weren’t 100% perfect, much of what I’ve described in talks as an ideal organizational culture for innovation comes from Norwich. In fact, I gave a talk about the Kreitzberg Library at Norwich and Organization 2.0 for ALA TechSource (my talk is about halfway into the video).

I’ve tried to bring a little “Ellen Hall” to my own work as a manager. When I got to Portland State, one of the people I supervised started the same week as me in a brand-new reference and instruction librarian position She’d previously worked at PSU in non-professional roles, but this was her first faculty position. Kim Willson-St. Clair’s (who asked me to use her name when I asked if I could write about her) new job was amazingly broad and one of those faculty positions that really wasn’t responsible for a specific area other than helping with the teaching and projects that other people were in charge. Perhaps if Kim was one of those people who just wants to do her work and go home, who sees librarianship as “just a job”, it would have been an ok fit (though I personally hate the idea of faculty positions that don’t give a person anything to hang their hat on). Kim is one of those people who puts 100% into everything she does. While she’d taught in the distant past, she threw herself into studying pedagogical theories, observing colleagues teaching, and learning, learning, learning how to be a terrific instructor. She was so committed to honing her craft; it was inspiring.

I told her early on that I was committed to ensuring that her position was coherent and not just a mishmash of things people didn’t want to or have time to do. One of the things she was given (by another faculty member who had to take on additional responsibilities for a year) were classes in the Intensive English Language Program (IELP). The program is for international students at the graduate and undergraduate level who need to work on their English language skills before moving on to degree programs at Portland State or other institutions. The students have to do plenty of research, since it is designed to prepare them for academic work in the United States. Although this was envisioned as a one-year temporary assignment, Kim attacked it like it was her life’s work. She studied everything she could about teaching international students and how international students approach the library. She learned all she could about the IELP program in an effort to create a coherent program of library instruction. In seeing this, I realized it was something she could really hang her hat on. I talked to administration and advocated for her position description to be changed so that part of her job would be liaising with international student programs, which would include IELP as well as others. Fortunately, I was successful and it’s been a permanent part of her job for over a year. Since then, her outreach to these students has been nothing short of inspiring and I’m so proud of what she has done for international students at PSU.

This is what a manager should do. Plain and simple. And I’m not trying to toot my own horn here; I’ve made myriad mistakes as a manager over the past five years and have felt like an absolute beginner every step of the way. Sometimes I feel like I’m too much of a softy and other times I think I should have stuck up more for an employee in a bad situation. But I have always been driven by the conviction that my role is to help my direct reports be happy and successful in their work. And if they’re not happy or successful, I need to find ways to help them change that. I work for them. And every employee I’ve had has needed different things, has communicated differently, and has been driven by different goals. I, as a manager, had to adapt my style to their needs to help them be successful. And, at the same time, I had to balance the need to support them with the need to further the goals of the library. Finding that balance is critical and being too much on one side or the other is either bad for patrons or bad for staff.

A friend recently mentioned to me that she’d never want to be a middle manager and doesn’t see the value of managing people unless you were really in-charge of the big decisions (“the boss”). I know being a middle manager has a bad rep, and I totally agree that it can suck rocks at times, but it can also be a great place to be if you like helping others. I like being low down enough that I can be an active part of some of the great work the library is doing, but high up enough that I can also be a support to those working under me. It must be the social worker in me who enjoys being a facilitator of good things happening. Or maybe I’m a masochist?

I think there’s sometimes a tendency in libraries to think of people who work in the library as the collection of skills they bring to the table without thinking enough about what is needed in the library to make the librarian with those skills successful. The Library Loon has written about this issue as well. A library that needs to build a culture of assessment needs a lot more than just people with assessment know-how and data analysis skills (though they are certainly important). They also need to support the people with those skills and to put into place structures that help the culture change around the topic of assessment. Library managers need to see their employees as more than a collection of skills. We need to see them as whole people; people with short-term goals, future ambitions, and things that make coming to work enjoyable. Libraries need to not only provide employees with a paycheck and a place to go during the day; they need to give them work that speaks to their passions and furthers their professional goals. Doing this isn’t just good for the employee; it’s good for the library. Work won’t always be fun, but when you feel like the organization is committed to you, you’re much more likely to be committed to it.

Organizations play a huge role in the success and failure of their employees. They can bring out the best or the worst in their employees depending on how they treat their employees. They can help make a “mover and shaker” or make sure someone will never be one. What traits do you think good managers bring to the table? How can organizations help their employees be successful and be committed to the organization? What did the best manager you’d had do?

Image credit: “I’m Watching by Alejandro Hernandez., on Flickr


  1. There’s a lot here to comment on, but i want to add one bit while it’s in my mind — in re: “A friend recently mentioned to me that she’d never want to be a middle manager and doesn’t see the value of managing people unless you were really in-charge of the big decisions (“the boss”).”

    The thing is… we’re ALL middle managers in academic libraries, even the directors. I have ideas that lead to choices and decisions, and more regularly than I wish were true I learn that what I envision won’t work for the administration, for our Provost, for our Deans, for a faculty member, or whoever. Yes I can do a lot, and yes I can mandate some things, but never forget: I may be the Director of Libraries, but I’m surely not The Boss. Every one of us who’s in academic administration is subject to the whims and needs of something bigger than we are, but I still believe we all have a role, and a voice, and power that we can use to do great things.

  2. I agree, Jenica, but I do think that a Library Director has more decision-making power than a middle-manager at most institutions. We are all reporting to someone, even the President of a University. I’m guessing that my friend wants to be the person to set the tone and while you can do that in your little unit as a middle manager, you and your direct reports are still subject to the culture of the library as a whole. I think a good manager gives people a voice and power to do great things, but at some institutions, that’s simply not the case and people feel that lack of agency keenly.

  3. Anon

    This is a fantastic post. I am a middle manager in an academic institution and I try (and sometimes fail) to provide numerous opportunities for staff to grow and succeed. I really feel that it is one of my most important roles.

    However, my boss is ineffective and only interested in not changing anything, even little, simple things. The other middle managers and I have noticed that if we propose ideas or ask questions about changing policy, he actually disappears and avoids us for weeks and weeks. We have had one meeting with him in the last two years. At one point, he told a manager that he hoped I forgot about a serious staff issue I brought up to him.

    We have gotten some things done despite him; but, I can’t help but worry that my career will stagnate here because we don’t get to do anything.

    I’m not afraid to leave; but, the institution I work for is a fantastic employer, probably the best place I’ve ever been employed. They are generous and almost completely aligned with my values. I don’t want to leave them.

    I’m curious. What would your advice be in this situation?

  4. Anon, I won’t pretend to have any special knowledge that makes me qualified to know what the solution is to your problem, but I think you have a few choices here: accept it, try to change it, or leave. I’m guessing from what you wrote here that you want to change it because you like where you work otherwise. *How* to change it depends on your situation there. Can you and other managers confront your boss? Might that be fruitful? Can you talk to your boss’ boss (I can’t tell from this whether that’s someone in the library or a Provost type) without worrying about harming your own career? If your boss’ boss sees that a bunch of middle managers are really dissatisfied, they might intercede. But sometimes, if the boss’ boss is so much on their side, doing that is career suicide. If there are a number of managers who feel the way you do, it seems politic to form a united front on the issue (though not everyone wants to stick their neck out) so it isn’t just you confronting this.

    But sometimes there just isn’t anything you can do to change the situation (and I don’t know enough to know whether that’s true or not) and then the only choices are stay and accept or leave. Staying and being frustrated day after day doesn’t seem like a good option. It’s a shame when one has a wonderful job at a wonderful place, but the people above them make their work a misery.

  5. Meredith, thanks for this post. I agree wholeheartedly with what you say; it seems self evident to me, especially in professional academic positions. I’ve worked for folks who get it, and for folks who are totally avaricious. I have also worked for folks who have never seen it, never thought it, and do not in any way see that their blindness to how to manage people/units causes an enormous amount of personnel churn.

    I really appreciate having such a well-written piece to refer to when I decide to share my thoughts on the topic.

  6. Candice Benjes-Small

    Have you been to the Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians? I just finished it last week and it gave me some great perspectives on leadership and management. The instructors- professors at Harvard- are outstanding and I highly recommend it to librarians who are interested in strengthening and/or exploring this area of our profession.

  7. Candice, I was watching your Facebook posts with envy. 🙂 I’d very much like to go in the future if I could get the funding. I really enjoyed the TRLN management institute (which we met at) and I love anything that gives me more insight into how I can improve in this critical area.

  8. Kimberly Willson-St. Clair

    Thanks for your kind words Meredith regarding my dedication to serving international students at Portland State University. Just a note to clarify that I was a para-professional at the PSU Library from 1997 to 2003, graduating from UIUC holding an MLIS in 2001, then a member of the PSU faculty as a reference librarian in fall 2003, then out-of-class from 2003 to 2011 at PSU (as virtual reference coordinator, PR coordinator,and special assistant to two university librarians), as well as serving as a public librarian from 2003 to 2011 at the Lake Oswego Public Library. I would hope that my dedication to the profession was apparent during those years as the chair of the Oregon City Library Board, the Oregon Authors chair for OLA (who brought the bibliography to the web with an LSTA grant), public relations for the Dark Horse Comics Archives, and many other significant contributions to our profession.


    • Sorry for the mix-up, Kim. I hadn’t realized that some of your other roles were faculty ones, but I knew that this was a departure from what you’d been doing before. I certainly didn’t suggest in any way that what you’d been doing pior was any less important than what you’ve been doing, just that it was different. Either way, you’d long deserved the full-time position you now have and I’m so pleased to see you shine in it. 🙂

  9. Rachael

    Do you have any tips for developing improved political savvy? Knowing when to fight for something vs. when it will damage my career is something I struggle with.

    Also, could you comment on a time when you successfully convinced a colleague or superior to see the value of managing the whole person, who otherwise sees the whole thing as a chore?

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