Meredith Farkas is a faculty librarian at Portland Community College in Oregon. From 2007-2021, she wrote the monthly column “Technology in Practice” for American Libraries. Meredith was honored in 2014 with the ACRL Instruction Section Innovation Award, in 2008 and 2011 with the WISE Excellence in Online Education Award and in 2009 with the LITA/Library Hi Tech award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology. She has been writing the blog Information Wants to be Free since 2004.
David King at Dave's blog asks some valid questions about Sirsi's new RSS offering: But for me, there are some questions I'll need to answer to become completely satisfied with…
All of the photos I've taken with my regular camera over the past few years are sitting in a shoebox. They aren't at all organized and, as a result, I…
Exciting news from the world of ILS's [as reported by Jenny at The Shifted Librarian]! I've been crawling out of my skin with anticipation, waiting to be able to announce…
Clive Thompson at collision detection posed an interesting question in his blog today: "can you think better when you're typing?" I've found, at least for the past 10 years, that…
For those who have an RSS feed for their blog, you can now easily submit your feed to 15 aggregators using Feed Submitter by Thomas Korte. If you find that…
Is referrer spam getting you down? Killing refferer spam has become an obsession for Dorothea at Caveat Lector over the past week, and she shares some useful tips on how…
According to Techdirt, a California state senator has introduced a bill that threatens developers of file sharing applications with jail time. John Borland at CNET, writes, “if passed and signed…
According to the New York Times, ETS has developed a test to measure a college student's level of information literacy in order to determine how well schools are preparing students…
While I'm kind of bummed about not making it to ALA Midwinter, I've gotten to hear all about it from the PLA Blog, Library Techtonics, and It's All Good. A…
Jessamyn said "learn this word: folksonomy" and I make it a point to always listen to Jessamyn. :) Actually, I've been hearing quite a lot about folksonomies lately, between my…
IBM is making 500 of its patents available for free to people doing open source projects. Rock on! From the New York Times: I.B.M. executives say the company's new approach…
David King wrote two responses to Michael Stephen's 2005 library tech predictions. The first one highlights the importance of user-centered technology planning and implementation. This is something that cannot be…
I just discovered Spectacle today. It is a gorgeous site with lots of links to the coolest web design resources. From there, you can see Forty Media's web design predictions…
The PLA Blog is now up and running! It will have some great public library-related reports from the ALA Midwinter Conference by some very familiar faces in the library blogging…
Dorothea has written a very interesting post comparing the ALA to the guild system in the Medieval world. She makes some great suggestions and observations about the ALA's mission and…
Wow! This has got to be one of the most useful sites I've seen in a long time. Susan Herzog, a librarian at Eastern Connecticut State University, has created BlogBib,…
I may not be online too much over the next few days. My grandfather is in the hospital, probably with a stroke, though they haven't figured it out yet. When…