Planning a conference

Jane Dysart writes a great post about the difficulties of scheduling and planning a conference in response to Walt Crawford's criticism of CIL occurring at the same time as PLA.…

How to slack in peace

For those of you in the Northeast who have been dealing with almost 2 weeks of continuous rain, here's something that definitely brightened my day and made me laugh my…


I am riveted to CNN today, worrying about all of the people who decided to or were forced to stay in coastal LA, MS, AL and the Pensacola area. I…

Email is like so 5 minutes ago

This survey from the Pew Internet and American Life Project entitled Teens and Technology makes me feel very old. Apparently teens think of email as something they do to communicate…


I just updated Wordpress and I'm checking to see if my feeds still work right. Just disregard! :)

Wesleyan librarian alums unite!

Andrea, one of my librarian heroes, has come up with this genius idea for a Librarians and Wesleyan Connection Meetup during ALA. Here is the announcement from the wiki: Librarians…