It’s unconference time!ALA

by Meredith Farkas on 6/7/2010 with 1 comment

Last year, Michelle Boule and I organized what ended up being a FANTASTIC first Unconference at ALA Annual. I was so impressed with the quality of the talks and discussions, and how everyone took on the roles of both teacher and learner. I think the best kind of conference is one where everyone can teach …

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Tips for library job applicants in a tight marketamerican libraries, free the information!, job search, librarianship, libraries, library school, MPOW, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 5/18/2010 with 46 comments

Another semester of teaching at San Jose State’s SLIS program has ended. Many of my students are graduating and others are starting to think about applying for jobs so they’ll have one when they do graduate. For so many of them, the job search is going to be a struggle. It wasn’t an easy job …

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Computers in Libraries Recap: Day 3free the information!, librarianship, libraries, management, our digital future, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 4/15/2010 with 1 comment

I took an absolutely obscene amount of notes from Ken Haycock’s keynote, because it was just one pearl of wisdom after another (I’m only including some choice bits here). I’ve seen Ken speak once before, and he is someone I would go out of my way to hear speak because he has such deep knowledge …

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Computers in Libraries Recap: Day 1free the information!, librarianship, our digital future, social software, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 4/14/2010 with 5 comments

Since it had been two years since I’d been to an Information Today Conference, I was really excited to attend Computers in Libraries and it did not disappoint. It was a fantastic learning and social experience with a much more diverse array of sessions than in previous years. I was really happy to see a …

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Coming to terms with Twitterfree the information!, librarianship, library school, our digital future, social software, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 4/7/2010 with 14 comments

I’ve been teaching a class on Web 2.0 since 2007, and this semester is the first time that I’ve actually had a full week on Twitter (well, microblogging and lifestreaming to be specific). Before, I treated it sort of as an afterthought, including some information on Twitter during the two weeks that I covered blogging. …

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A lot of Davids make one heck of a GoliathALA, free the information!, libraries, open access, our digital future, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 4/5/2010 with 9 comments

In response to my post a few days ago about EBSCO, Sarah Houghton-Jan just wrote an impassioned post about unethical vendor practices, suggesting that we let our vendors know when we are not happy with what they’re doing. While I do agree that libraries should make their dissatisfaction with specific vendors or vendor practices known …

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Finding the work/family/fun balance and identity as a librarian/parentabout me, career, gender, librarianship, speaking, Work, writing

by Meredith Farkas on 2/22/2010 with 38 comments

This is a post mainly for those professionals who are passionate about their careers and are considering having children but wonder/worry what impact it might have on their life and their career. I’m going to talk about my own experience finding an identity as a working mother over the past year. Remember that your mileage …

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A working mom’s library day in the life: Wednesdaylibrarianship, librarydayinthelife, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 1/27/2010 with Comments Off on A working mom’s library day in the life: Wednesday

This morning I felt really sick to my stomach and dizzy, so after helping to get Reed dressed, Adam ended up taking him to daycare. I spent 20 minutes lying in bed after they’d left before I headed to work (arrived at 7:40). I was tied to my desk this morning since I was on-call …

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Teaching Web 2.0 with Web 2.0free the information!, librarianship, library school, online education, social software, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 1/23/2010 with 6 comments

After a year off from teaching to take care of baby Reed, I’m getting back up on the horse. I’ll be teaching a class on Web 2.0 and Social Networking Software for San Jose State University’s SLIS program starting this Tuesday. As usual, I’ll be using Drupal for my online classroom (rather than Angel, which …

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Shades of grayassessment, librarianship, libraries, open source, our digital future, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 11/2/2009 with 26 comments

Ever since the news of LibLime’s enterprise version of Koha and whether or not their actions consisted a fork of the code, I’ve been thinking about how black and white some of us (me included, at times) tend to see library products and library vendors. Stephen Abram’s “position paper” on open source ILSes got me …

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