TRLN Management Academy: Inspiring!career, librarianship, libraries, management, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 12/11/2008 with Comments Off on TRLN Management Academy: Inspiring!

I know people have been bemoaning the death of blogging in recent months. I certainly haven’t helped any with my lack of posting, but it’s certainly not from a lack of inspiration nor from my immersion with microblogging (which I’ve never quite managed to get into on a regular basis). I actually have lots of …

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Building 21st century librarians AND librariesinstruction, librarianship, library school, management, our digital future, reference, social software, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 3/9/2008 with 20 comments

There were three recent posts that got me thinking a lot about the growing necessity to have tech-savvy people in public services positions. The first was Dorothea Salo’s post about how many librarians outside of Systems see learning about (or doing anything with) technology as being something outside of their sphere of responsibility. The second …

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