Neil Gaiman isn't a fan of Michael Gorman either (welcome to the club). I've been really amazed by the reaction of people outside of the library world to Gorman's piece,…
Blog people... Sounds like creatures from a cheesy sci-fi movie you'd see on MST3K. ;) I know this has been talked to death, but as a dues-paying member of the…
Starting a blog can be indimidating. I remember when I first started, I'd considered it more of an exercise in writing commentary than something I was writing for an audience.…
Ever since I started this blog, I've made a big effort to post regularly. Unfortunately, I slacked off last week. Well, I don't know if packing, putting our junk into…
The Linux Librarian has a great post on why open source and blogging are so great: This is why open source works. From my comments, from yesterday, from James Robertson:…
Michael Stephens and Aaron Schmidt (the Batman and Robin of the library blogging world) will be presenting The Library Blogosphere: Toward a Working Taxonomy at the Online Social Networks Conference,…
I know this article isn't new, but it's new to me and it may be new to you. Jon Udell wrote a concise and tremendously insightful article in InfoWorld entitled…
Feedmelegal is a blog all about RSS and blogging in the legal field. The author has a great list of links to tools for the growing world of RSS. Included…
During one of my interviews this week, I asked the interviewers what some of their biggest challenges were at their library. One of the challenges they mentioned was keeping all…
David King at Dave's blog asks some valid questions about Sirsi's new RSS offering: But for me, there are some questions I'll need to answer to become completely satisfied with…
Exciting news from the world of ILS's [as reported by Jenny at The Shifted Librarian]! I've been crawling out of my skin with anticipation, waiting to be able to announce…
For those who have an RSS feed for their blog, you can now easily submit your feed to 15 aggregators using Feed Submitter by Thomas Korte. If you find that…
Wow! This has got to be one of the most useful sites I've seen in a long time. Susan Herzog, a librarian at Eastern Connecticut State University, has created BlogBib,…