Quiet timeALA, american libraries, hi, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 6/13/2008 with 2 comments

Friends Lake Originally uploaded by ftzdomino Tomorrow morning, Adam and I are leaving for a vacation in the Adirondacks. This is the first time in AGES that our vacations haven’t either centered around a talk I’m giving or a trip to visit family. This is an honest-to-goodness no obligations, do-as-little-as-possible, email-and-feed-free vacation. And after the …

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Help Wanted!MPOW, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 4/10/2008 with 4 comments

I just got back to work this evening and was pleased to find that the job ad for the Distance Learning Librarian position at Norwich has been posted. If you’re interested in a job where you get to do a little bit of everything, work in a change-oriented environment, and get bossed around by me …

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Don’t take what you know for grantedblogging, free the information!, libraries, reference, Wikis, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 1/4/2008 with 6 comments

As liaison to all of the distance learning programs at our University, I frequently deal with our Interlibrary Loan Librarian. We can’t do traditional book interlibrary loan with our distance learners because the loan times do not allow sufficient time for us to ship the materials to the student and for the student to consult …

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The long road towards subject guide 2.0libraries, reference, RSS and Syndication, social bookmarking, Wikis, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 10/24/2007 with 28 comments

When I finally got control over the library’s Web presence last year (a long process better discussed in a post of its own), the first thing I did was take down the library “subject guides.” You could hardly call these things subject guides; they were just a bunch of Web links in different areas. Some …

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