Can’t write a word?

Clive Thompson at collision detection posed an interesting question in his blog today: "can you think better when you're typing?" I've found, at least for the past 10 years, that…

Get your feed out there

For those who have an RSS feed for their blog, you can now easily submit your feed to 15 aggregators using Feed Submitter by Thomas Korte. If you find that…


Is referrer spam getting you down? Killing refferer spam has become an obsession for Dorothea at Caveat Lector over the past week, and she shares some useful tips on how…

Folksonomies: Listen to Jessamyn

Jessamyn said "learn this word: folksonomy" and I make it a point to always listen to Jessamyn. :) Actually, I've been hearing quite a lot about folksonomies lately, between my…

Web design resources

I just discovered Spectacle today. It is a gorgeous site with lots of links to the coolest web design resources. From there, you can see Forty Media's web design predictions…

PLA blog is up!

The PLA Blog is now up and running! It will have some great public library-related reports from the ALA Midwinter Conference by some very familiar faces in the library blogging…