Now it can be told!

I'm so happy to finally be able to publicly congratulate Dorothea Salo on her new job as Digital Repository Librarian at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. I knew Dorothea…

A new (and needed) blog

On a happy note, a friend of mine has recently started a blog in an area of librarianship that doesn't get enough discussion in the blogosphere: access services. Mary Chimato…

Charitable reading

My post earlier in the week may just have gotten more comments than anything I've ever written. I believe Steve Lawson called it "a great trainwreck of a comments thread."…

Where did all the comments go?

You know, I was kind of wondering why everything was so quiet today in terms of comments after the post I'd written yesterday. It seemed a bit... odd. Then I…

Keeping it real

I remember a few months ago, my friend Rochelle wrote a terrific post about the Second Life Library 2.0. She basically wrote about her first-time experiences in the Second Life…