Teaching the “soft skills” in library schoollibrarianship, library school

by Meredith Farkas on 9/27/2008 with 13 comments

From the library school survey, looking at the list of skills and competencies people think are important for librarians to have , there are a lot of “soft skills” on that list. You probably won’t find classes on customer service, openness to change, flexibility, commitment to continuous learning, developing a willingness to beat things with …

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SOPAC 2.0 at Darien Public Libraryfree the information!, libraries, open source, our digital future, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 9/1/2008 with 7 comments

Run, don’t walk to check out the Darien Public Library’s awesome new Drupal-based website along with the John Blyberg-designed new-and-improved SOPAC 2.0. I, for one, am totally impressed with the site and the catalog. One of the biggest things about SOPAC 2.0 (short for Social OPAC) is that its component parts are going to be …

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Want an awesome job?ALA, career, libraries

by Meredith Farkas on 7/6/2008 with 6 comments

There is a very small, select list of people who I really see as role models in this profession. One of them is Mary Chimato, Head of Access Services at North Carolina State University. Her generosity, her strength, her humility, her sense of humor, her unwillingness to be steamrolled by anyone, her focus on being …

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Anaheim-boundALA, american libraries, speaking, writing

by Meredith Farkas on 6/21/2008 with Comments Off on Anaheim-bound

Oh Thursday I’ll be heading to ALA Annual. I wish I could muster up more excitement about going to Anaheim, but the location doesn’t exactly thrill me (nor does the amount of flying and driving it will take to get there). Then again, ALA isn’t really about the location so much as the people. And …

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Quiet timeALA, american libraries, hi, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 6/13/2008 with 2 comments

Friends Lake Originally uploaded by ftzdomino Tomorrow morning, Adam and I are leaving for a vacation in the Adirondacks. This is the first time in AGES that our vacations haven’t either centered around a talk I’m giving or a trip to visit family. This is an honest-to-goodness no obligations, do-as-little-as-possible, email-and-feed-free vacation. And after the …

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Followup on Is this how we encourage people to contribute?free the information!, librarianship, speaking

by Meredith Farkas on 5/15/2008 with 6 comments

I’ve been thinking a lot about the discussion last week about speaking, being compensated for speaking, transparency, the profession and it’s (perhaps?) inferiority complex, and so much more. Everyone contributed such unique and interesting perspectives, some I agree with, some I don’t, some that made me change my perspective a bit. We’ve all had different …

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Loex 2008 goes online!free the information!, instruction, online education

by Meredith Farkas on 4/28/2008 with Comments Off on Loex 2008 goes online!

I got this email about LOEX 2008 Encore from Catherine Pellegrino at Saint Mary’s College and wanted to spread the word: The annual LOEX conference is trying something new as an experiment this year: three of their breakout sessions will be presented as live, interactive webcasts a few weeks after the conference: http://www.loexconference.org/2008/virtualsessions.htm I think …

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