Library school 0.5?library school, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 8/11/2007 with 4 comments

How can a library school teach their students to be user-focused if they model the exact opposite behaviors? Check out the assertive (and admirable) way that Jennifer tried to confront the issues she and other students had with the distance learning program at the Information and Library Science Department at Southern Connecticut State University. I …

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Good library publicity for all the right reasonslibraries

by Meredith Farkas on 7/24/2007 with 3 comments

Way to go Gary Price for getting the electronic and non-book resources libraries offer the attention they deserve in the mainstream tech media! “Steal This Book? Don’t Bother”: Libraries are offering more free search services, database access, articles, photos, eBooks, audiobooks, music and museum passes than ever. Chances are you are buying, subscribing to, or …

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Giving and TakingALA, free the information!, hi, librarianship, online education, open access, open source, social software, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 6/28/2007 with 19 comments

Oh Meredith, why can’t you just write a nice, short, concise post? I really don’t know what happens! I start writing and my fingers just seem to take over. This is what happens when my husband goes away and leaves me alone with my thoughts. Sorry folks! Something I frequently think about when I go …

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My developing ALA ScheduleALA

by Meredith Farkas on 6/13/2007 with 4 comments

I’m really excited about ALA and I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon! I’m giving three talks and have to do signings and appearances at the exhibits on Saturday, so I don’t have a lot of time to see DC or to go to sessions other than my own. Still, it’s going to be …

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Being Transparent Isn’t Enoughlibrarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 6/3/2007 with 9 comments

We talk a great deal about the importance of being more transparent to our patrons. Things like blogs, flickr, etc. can help put a human face on the library, make us seem more approachable and friendly. For my August column for American Libraries (which I just finished) I wrote about how Virginia Commonwealth University’s library …

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You too could have a Walt Crawford!librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 5/25/2007 with Comments Off on You too could have a Walt Crawford!

I’m sure you’ve all heard that our dear Walt Crawford will be free of his job at OCLC at the end of September 2007 (if you don’t recognize the name, you certainly know his excellent monthly publication Cites and Insights or you almost certainly have his MARC for Library Use somewhere in your professional collection …

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Through her eyeslibraries

by Meredith Farkas on 5/6/2007 with 2 comments

I have always enjoyed reading books and articles about certain places written by foreigners. Whether it is the British writer Jonathan Raban writing about America, the early 20th century British adventurer, Freya Stark, writing about “Arabia”, or American journalist, Adam Gopnick, writing about Paris, there is something special in their writing that comes from seeing …

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Let 100 wikis bloom?librarianship, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 5/1/2007 with 5 comments

In Please, Not Another Wiki Casey Bisson complains about the proliferation of wikis: Perhaps I cringe at any suggestion to create a new wiki because I wonder why that content can’t be published on an existing wiki. Perhaps I cringe because I wonder if the proprietary motivation to create a new wiki is itself in …

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