Eight random things

Rachel tagged me with a new meme and challenged me to come up with eight random things about myself. I feel like I've disclosed a lot on this blog, so…

Where’s my video iPod?

Michelle and I were talking today about how easy it can be to get penned into talking about limited subject matters in one's blog. I know I feel funny when…

Living under a rock

I know this may be shocking to some, but I just started reading those Harry Potter books for the first time, and you know what? They're a pretty good read!…

“Just do it”

Library Success wasn't the only wiki to come out last week. We also saw the birth of the LISWiki, which has been criticized by various people in the biblioblogosphere (love…

Thank you Oprah!

I think I was the only person in my high school English class to actually enjoy Faulkner. Admittedly, his writing can be difficult to read. The first time I read…

Even more on our plate

Not that we don't have enough going on at the ALA Conference, but there are going to be two other very cool events happening in Chicago at the same time.…

Geek confessions

Via the Eclectic Librarian, I learned about and helped to stop a grave injustice. What was this terrible injustice you might ask? It was poor Wesley Crusher (from Star Trek:…


Is referrer spam getting you down? Killing refferer spam has become an obsession for Dorothea at Caveat Lector over the past week, and she shares some useful tips on how…

My new love affair

I decided to stop agonizing over what sort of computer to buy and finally settled on the Sony A-250 I'd developed a major crush on. I couldn't deny the fact…

Site redesign

I just spent much of the day redesigning my site. The first time I designed my site, I was in school and my time was at a premium. I know…