OSS Patent Search

For those interested in developing open source software based on the patents offered for free by IBM and others, PatentCafe has come out with OSS Patent Search Engine, a natural…

Open source in Brazil

NPR this morning had a great story about how Brazil is switching 300,000 government computers from Windows to Linux. Not only are they switching to Linux, but they are dropping…

Lots to listen to!

So many great library related things to listen to online! Libraries of the Future From WBEZ (soon to be my public radio station -- woo hoo!) a fabulous discussion about…

Networking basics

We all know what networking is, but as an MLS student or a new librarian with few connections, it is difficult to know where to begin. It can be particularly…

Picasa 2

All of the photos I've taken with my regular camera over the past few years are sitting in a shoebox. They aren't at all organized and, as a result, I…