Survey of the biblioblogosphere

Here is the Survey of the Biblioblogosphere, as promised. If you write a library blog (personal, professional, official, unofficial, part of a community, in any language) please visit the survey…

Reader survey results

I think I've gotten enough responses to close the survey and report my findings. 72 people filled it out, and that figure blew my mind! I thought I'd probably get…

Loving the long tail

Everyone is all a-twitter about Walt Crawford's investigation of the biblioblogosphere where he measured the "reach" of blogs and highlighted the top 50 librarian blogs. And I hate to play…

MPOW: RSS-ified!

Norwich University may be small, but we do have RSS feeds! Norwich University News and Events Norwich University Sports I even set one of my colleagues up with Bloglines yesterday!…


I don't know how much I'll be able to post during the month of August. Between the move and the probability of Internet access issues, I can't promise anything. I'm…

Email is like so 5 minutes ago

This survey from the Pew Internet and American Life Project entitled Teens and Technology makes me feel very old. Apparently teens think of email as something they do to communicate…

Living under a rock

I know this may be shocking to some, but I just started reading those Harry Potter books for the first time, and you know what? They're a pretty good read!…


Joy at Wanderings of a Student Librarian wrote a great post on what's wrong with so many Research Methods classes. Research Methods classes often seem to be taught because they're…