To the Lighthouse

Thanks to Steven Cohen, I just learned that Stephen Abram has a new blog, entitled Stephen's Lighthouse. What an exciting new addition to the biblioblogosphere. He's already written an insightful…

“Just do it”

Library Success wasn't the only wiki to come out last week. We also saw the birth of the LISWiki, which has been criticized by various people in the biblioblogosphere (love…

Safe blogging

Now that I have a job, I've started thinking about how my work will affect my blog. I was even asked by a soon-to-be colleague how I would handle blogging…


I just updated Wordpress and I'm checking to see if my feeds still work right. Just disregard! :)

ALA Day 1: Starstruck

My day didn't really get started until mid-afternoon, but boy was the latter half of the day fabulous! You know when you're around people who just "get it"? People you…

Wesleyan librarian alums unite!

Andrea, one of my librarian heroes, has come up with this genius idea for a Librarians and Wesleyan Connection Meetup during ALA. Here is the announcement from the wiki: Librarians…

Life is good

I've been wanting to blog about this for a while... I got a job. :) I was offered the position about 11 days ago, but was nervous about blogging about…

Road trip!

I won't be posting much (if anything) over the next week since tomorrow I'll be starting a major road trip with my hubby and Internet access may be sporadic at…

Thank you Oprah!

I think I was the only person in my high school English class to actually enjoy Faulkner. Admittedly, his writing can be difficult to read. The first time I read…

Blogging ALA on a wiki!

When the wiki was first created, I put up a page for people who are blogging the conference so that people would know where they could find conference reports. Well,…

Very snarfy

I must apologize for the lack of posts this week. I've come down with a horrible cold (bordering on the flu) and I just haven't felt up to doing much…