Happy Blog Day!blogging, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 8/31/2006 with 9 comments

Today is Blog Day, ostensibly because the date sort of looks like the word blog (3108) if you squint or perhaps are a really creative-minded person. It’s a day where lots of bloggers will will highlight five blogs that they think we should know about. I was thinking of highlighting some of the new blogs …

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Why my (and probably your) congressman voted for DOPAintellectual freedom, Vermont

by Meredith Farkas on 8/30/2006 with Comments Off on Why my (and probably your) congressman voted for DOPA

This is why. You’ve got to check out the actual ad; it had me half laughing half furious. I don’t write much about politics on this blog, but I have to admit that this has gotten me kind of riled up. Vermont just isn’t the sort of place where people have really vile, manipulative, negative …

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More wiki links and resourcesWikis

by Meredith Farkas on 8/20/2006 with 3 comments

While we’re on the subject of wikis, here are some wiki-related links I’ve found recently that I thought you might want to know about: LIS753wiki – Even though they got my name wrong (grrrr…) [update: thanks for fixing it, Laura], the students who developed this class project in Michael Stephens’ GSLIS class created a very …

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What are wikis good for?Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 8/20/2006 with 4 comments

Karen Coombs beat me to the punch with an excellent post on a Web4Lib comment I had noticed recently as well: “I am repeatedly impressed by how often, when librarians consider wikis, their first thought seems to be of access control. The idea of “just anybody being able to edit our Web pages” seems somehow …

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Things I wish I’d known about before I finished my bookBook, libraries, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 8/18/2006 with 2 comments

I must apologize for not writing much lately. I really believed that when I finished my book I would have lots and lots of spare time, but then the speaking engagements came rolling in and the professors in the graduate programs at Norwich suddenly “got religion” regarding information literacy. All good things, but they take …

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Wikimania Day 2: What’s Cooking in MediaWikihi, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 8/5/2006 with Comments Off on Wikimania Day 2: What’s Cooking in MediaWiki

Brion Vibber is the CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation. OMG, there is a serious lack of women in this room! This talk was about improvements in the pipeline for MediaWiki, so I didn’t want to miss it since most of my wikis are MediaWiki wikis. User accounts: The problem is that there are too many …

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Wikimania Day 1: Non-Wikimedia Wiki Projectsfree the information!, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 8/4/2006 with Comments Off on Wikimania Day 1: Non-Wikimedia Wiki Projects

Considering that I have initiated many MediaWiki projects of my own, I was very excited about hearing from other folks who have experienced the highs and lows of running a wiki. Transitioning to a Wiki: The wikiHow Experience Jack Herrick is the owner of wikiHow. Their mission is to “provide useful instructions ot help people …

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Wikimania Day 1: On Accuracy and Authorityfree the information!, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 8/4/2006 with 7 comments

Sins of omission? An exploratory evaluation of Wikipedia’s topical coverage Alex Halavais & Derek Lackaff Looking at authority/authoritativeness of wikipedia articles. Accuracy is obviously an issue, but authority is more than that. It’s also about breadth, timeliness, etc. Encyclopedias are thought of as being authoritative, but what about the Wikipedia. Halavais and Lackaff took three …

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