Curious about what a library web manager does in an average day? Dave King offers us a glimpse into his work at the Kansas City Public Library: Checked email, bloglines,…
During one of my interviews this week, I asked the interviewers what some of their biggest challenges were at their library. One of the challenges they mentioned was keeping all…
People have been up in arms about the news that the Philadelphia Free Library system is running 20 of its 49 libraries without professional librarians. I think it's awful too,…
I'm back from Chicago with two more interviews under my belt. It's lovely to see that Illinois really seems to value their libraries -- or at the very least, the…
There are a few bloggers who have spent a lot of time questioning the library shortage due to their own experiences in library school and on the job hunt. Dorothea…
From the PLA Blog, I learned that the ALA is planning to launch a recruitment website to attract more future librarians to the profession. I’ve written a whole bunch about…
David King at Dave's blog asks some valid questions about Sirsi's new RSS offering: But for me, there are some questions I'll need to answer to become completely satisfied with…
Exciting news from the world of ILS's [as reported by Jenny at The Shifted Librarian]! I've been crawling out of my skin with anticipation, waiting to be able to announce…
According to the New York Times, ETS has developed a test to measure a college student's level of information literacy in order to determine how well schools are preparing students…
While I'm kind of bummed about not making it to ALA Midwinter, I've gotten to hear all about it from the PLA Blog, Library Techtonics, and It's All Good. A…
David King wrote two responses to Michael Stephen's 2005 library tech predictions. The first one highlights the importance of user-centered technology planning and implementation. This is something that cannot be…
Dorothea has written a very interesting post comparing the ALA to the guild system in the Medieval world. She makes some great suggestions and observations about the ALA's mission and…
Here is an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education that has been causing some controversy on the library-related listservs. Information Literacy Makes All the Wrong Assumptions rails against the…
I have two job interviews coming up that I'm very excited about. It's made me optimistic that perhaps my job search will be over soon (fingers crossed). I haven't been…
The New York Times has an article about how our mobile technologies have made us increasingly dependent on seeking out electricity in places like cafes, restaurants, bookstores and even commuter…
As a former social worker/psychotherapist, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a very familiar concept to me. People must fulfill their basic material needs before they can start thinking about things…
From Extension 337 [via Tame the Web], comes 10 Reasons why Nonprofits Should Use RSS. The post lists some very good reasons why RSS is a much better way to…
According to Gary Price at Resource Shelf, GuruNet has become and is now offering a ready reference search engine for free. culls its information from a variety of…