I just started a blog at work to communicate with my distance students and faculty. For a long time people kept telling me "we have a really old version of…
I am!!!! I'm so excited! This will be my first Information Today conference and I can't wait to meet all the people I've only known online and hang out with…
For those who don't know, I am currently writing a book on libraries and technology. At this point, I can't even imagine what life would be like if I didn't…
January 31st is the deadline for submissions to HigherEd BlogCon. If you have some great ideas about how to implement social tools in libraries or are doing cool things at…
"There's something that's really bothering me that I want to tell you about... but I can't..." "There's someone I think is an egotistical jerk. I'm sure you all know who…
I got my library science degree through distance learning, which was definitely an interesting experience. It's fascinating to never meet most of your classmates and yet form definite opinions about…
This may be the longest I've gone without writing in my blog since I started it. Sorry 'bout that. All the craziness that went on in the comments section of…
I'm not the most patient person in the world (I can just imagine my husband snickering when he reads this). Ok, I'm really impatient. I have a lot of ideas…
Since the fall, I've pretty much been processing my thoughts about Library 2.0 on this blog in real-time. If one is going for ideological consistency, it's probably not the best…
As you may know, I'm chairing the Library and Information Resources Track of HigherEd BlogCon, a totally online conference exploring the new technologies being used in higher education. Michelle Boule…
Yesterday, Edward Vielmetti, a very committed patron at the Ann Arbor District Library e-mailed me about an amazing idea he has for improving the Library Success Wiki (stay tuned for…
Writing is going well in terms of quantity. I'm nearly halfway done in terms of words written, which I can hardly believe myself. However, given my ineptitude when it comes…
Early this week, a new librarian named Ellyssa Kroski wrote me to ask my advice on how to get started on the road to professional writing. I'd say she's already…
Here are some of the great things I've found this week: Roy Tennant's brilliant What I Wish I Had Known, a reflection on the things he would have been better…
I'm never afraid to try something and have it fail. I'd rather learn from a mistake than learn nothing because I was afraid to make a mistake. I don't know…
The unsinkable Rachel Singer Gordon's column about the role Gen-X'ers can play as a bridge between the boomers and the millennials. She's dead-on and this is an article you should…
HigherEd BlogCon is a totally online conference exploring the new technologies being used in higher education. I am thrilled to announce that I am going to be chairing the Library…
Today is the anniversary of my blog (Adam laughed at me when I used the word "blogiversary"). Part of me can't believe it's already been a year since I first…