Help Wanted!

I just got back to work this evening and was pleased to find that the job ad for the Distance Learning Librarian position at Norwich has been posted. If you're…

I won’t be your April fool

I'm a pretty tolerant person, but there is one thing in this world that bothers me more than anything else: dishonesty. I am extremely trusting and will take what people…

Quacking the duck

Rachel Singer Gordon is one of the people I admire most in the profession. She thinks so much about all different aspects of our profession and has written so many…

Two Surveys for Librarians

If you don't already have survey fatigue, please consider helping out these librarians (and library school students) with their surveys: Survey about reference transactions [From Danielle Theiss-White] My colleagues and…


After reading Rochelle Hartman, Steve Lawson, Jenna Freedman, Dorothea Salo and Laura Crossett's posts about their "Tech-Nots", I started thinking about what it means to be tech-savvy. I was once…