I just got back to work this evening and was pleased to find that the job ad for the Distance Learning Librarian position at Norwich has been posted. If you're…
I went to the discussion about the SWIFT conference platform, which I haven't discussed publicly on this blog (though many others have on theirs -- and many of them offer…
the group - for Connie Originally uploaded by cindiann I had a really wonderful time at Computers in Libraries, as always. While there are always certain talks where the delivery…
This week, I'm at Computers in Libraries, one of my very favorite conferences. This year's schedule seems to be even better than usual an I found myself torn between two…
I'm a pretty tolerant person, but there is one thing in this world that bothers me more than anything else: dishonesty. I am extremely trusting and will take what people…
Rachel Singer Gordon is one of the people I admire most in the profession. She thinks so much about all different aspects of our profession and has written so many…
In spite of the fact that I've had one of those all-day sinus headaches, I'm walking on a cloud. Starting April 1, I'm going to be the Head of Instructional…
I was excited to see so many people I know and admire had been recognized this year as Movers and Shakers by Library Journal. Congratulations to everyone, but especially to…
First Monday has a great issue covering Critical Perspectives on Web 2.0. The articles look at Web 2.0 phenomena (user-generated content, interactivity, social networking, etc.) from a socio-political-economic perspective and…
I was thrilled to hear last week about ACRL's decision to start offering some free Webcasts for members. This is something that many people have suggested to ACRL in the…
There were three recent posts that got me thinking a lot about the growing necessity to have tech-savvy people in public services positions. The first was Dorothea Salo's post about…
Have you visited the LISjobs Forums lately? Well, now's a good time to do it, as Rachel's running a contest for those who post to one of the forum topics…
If you don't already have survey fatigue, please consider helping out these librarians (and library school students) with their surveys: Survey about reference transactions [From Danielle Theiss-White] My colleagues and…
A Facebook friend messaged me yesterday with a library 2.0 assessment-related question that I didn't have the answer to, but was curious about myself. So I thought I'd put it…
While I was working on compiling all of the survey data from our graduate students, I had what I thought was a crazy idea. The idea came from a common…
Today my CloudBook ultra-mobile PC (UMPC) arrived. It just came out on Friday and is only being sold by one company thus far. I was lucky enough to be one…
After reading Rochelle Hartman, Steve Lawson, Jenna Freedman, Dorothea Salo and Laura Crossett's posts about their "Tech-Nots", I started thinking about what it means to be tech-savvy. I was once…
Over a year ago I wrote about a project called MaintainIT, a three-year Bill and Melinda Gates funded initiative designed to identify best practices for maintaining public access computers. Well,…
Since our Coordinator of Public Services left, I've been the liaison to the social sciences along with being the liaison to the School of Graduate Studies (whose programs are all…