I received this e-mail from Rachel the other day. If you are a librarian and consider yourself to be in an alternative career, please do consider helping her out. You…
Wow! I can't believe we've just finished Week 4. It's definitely a bittersweet feeling. I can't imagine waking up in a little over a week and not finding new posts…
Every day, I see something amazing and creative that people have done online with photos, audio or video content. Whether they are creating something totally new or remixing things to…
Update: I received an e-mail from one of the creators of Ask Dr. Wiki stating that they are now requiring folks to prove that they have medical credentials before they…
Could you ever have imagined a couple of years ago that a candidate for ALA President would have a campaign video on YouTube??? :) This isn't why I personally endorsed…
Social Software in Libraries cover Originally uploaded by librarianmer. I just heard from the folks at Information Today that my book is heading off to the printer tomorrow! I think…
Week two of Five Weeks to a Social Library is now over. RSS and del.icio.us really generated a lot of excitement for our participants and many could see the personal…
I never thought I'd say this... but I want to go work for the Pentagon! Lewis Shepherd sent me this Computer World article about some of the cool things they…
I mentioned PBWiki's new editing interface a few weeks ago, but this week was the official launch of this tool. I truly think that having a WYSIWYG editor like PBWiki…
mk1_1024 Originally uploaded by Dave & Bry. This is so cool! Visit the picture in Flickr and click on All Sizes and you can actually see the individual books! And…
I always tease Roy Tennant about how so many geek girls (me included) -- and probably geek boys too -- are totally crushing on him. He doesn't really "get it".…
The weeks and months before the start of Five Weeks to a Social Library required a significant amount of work, but I don't think I was prepared for how much…
I have always been an idea person. I probably get that from my dad who has had dozens of business ideas in the 29 years I've known him. However, before…
Honeymoon in Big Sur Originally uploaded by librarianmer. My husband, Adam, never likes taking credit for the things he's done, though he deserves an absolute boatload of it when it…
chickadee Originally uploaded by withrow. To the chickadees, blue jay and brilliant red cardinal I saw in the pine tree just outside my kitchen window as I made breakfast this…
I've been meaning to write about Walt's great Cites and Insights piece on conference speaking. If you haven't already read it, do take a look. He combines insights from Rachel…
I just wanted to give people a head's up that the wiki for this year's Computers in Libraries conference is up and people are already starting to add content. I've…