
by Meredith Farkas on 3/10/2007 with Comments Off on Vacation

It sure ain’t Vermont! Originally uploaded by librarianmer. Me. Vacation. Someplace sunny and warm. Be back a week from Sunday!

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Five Weeks to a Social Library: Highlights from Week 4free the information!, libraries, online education, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 3/10/2007 with Comments Off on Five Weeks to a Social Library: Highlights from Week 4

Wow! I can’t believe we’ve just finished Week 4. It’s definitely a bittersweet feeling. I can’t imagine waking up in a little over a week and not finding new posts from my friends in this program. I have gained so much from my interactions with them, more than I could have ever imagined. I only …

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Medical Wikis?Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 3/4/2007 with 8 comments

Update: I received an e-mail from one of the creators of Ask Dr. Wiki stating that they are now requiring folks to prove that they have medical credentials before they are allowed to contribute to the wiki. I hate barriers as much as the next person, but in the case of a medical wiki, there …

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Five Weeks to a Social Library: Highlights from Week 3free the information!, online education, social software, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 3/4/2007 with Comments Off on Five Weeks to a Social Library: Highlights from Week 3

As you all know, I’m a big fan of wikis, such a big fan that I often cannot gauge how other people will respond when they are introduced to wikis. Well, imagine my surprise to discover how incredibly enthusiastic our participants were this week about implementing wikis in their library; probably more so than any …

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Five Weeks to a Social Library: Highlights from Week 2free the information!, hi, online education, RSS and Syndication, social bookmarking, social software, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 2/25/2007 with 4 comments

Week two of Five Weeks to a Social Library is now over. RSS and really generated a lot of excitement for our participants and many could see the personal and professional benefits of using these tools. We have people spending 16 hours per week on the class because they want to play with these …

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Intelligence 2.0social software, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 2/25/2007 with 2 comments

I never thought I’d say this… but I want to go work for the Pentagon! Lewis Shepherd sent me this Computer World article about some of the cool things they are doing in the intelligence community with wikis, RSS, AJAX and Mashups. In particular, they mention the Intellipedia which was launched in 2004 and seeks …

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PBWiki’s Point and Click EditorWikis

by Meredith Farkas on 2/22/2007 with 1 comment

I mentioned PBWiki’s new editing interface a few weeks ago, but this week was the official launch of this tool. I truly think that having a WYSIWYG editor like PBWiki has now is going to break down the biggest barrier to adding content to a wiki. Wiki markup may be easier than HTML for some …

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Highlights from Week 1 of Five Weeks to a Social Libraryblogging, free the information!, online education, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 2/18/2007 with Comments Off on Highlights from Week 1 of Five Weeks to a Social Library

The weeks and months before the start of Five Weeks to a Social Library required a significant amount of work, but I don’t think I was prepared for how much time I would need to devote once the course started. However, it has been totally worth it so far. I am literally blown away by …

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I am the luckiesthi

by Meredith Farkas on 2/7/2007 with 8 comments

Honeymoon in Big Sur Originally uploaded by librarianmer. My husband, Adam, never likes taking credit for the things he’s done, though he deserves an absolute boatload of it when it come to my successes over the past couple of years. I’m not a naturally confident person, so I doubt I would have accomplish half of …

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Why do you stay?hi

by Meredith Farkas on 2/5/2007 with 1 comment

chickadee Originally uploaded by withrow. To the chickadees, blue jay and brilliant red cardinal I saw in the pine tree just outside my kitchen window as I made breakfast this morning, thank you. I have no idea why you’d want to be here in Vermont when the temperature this morning was well below zero, but …

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On speakingfree the information!, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 2/4/2007 with 7 comments

I’ve been meaning to write about Walt’s great Cites and Insights piece on conference speaking. If you haven’t already read it, do take a look. He combines insights from Rachel Singer Gordon, Dorothea Salo, Jessamyn West and 90 people who participated in Rachel’s survey on the subject with his own insights to create a really …

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Now it can be told!libraries, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 1/30/2007 with 9 comments

I’m so happy to finally be able to publicly congratulate Dorothea Salo on her new job as Digital Repository Librarian at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. I knew Dorothea enjoyed her job at George Mason, but like me, she is not a city person and I know how city life can wear on someone …

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