On the other hand…

In the past, I've written about the do's and don't's of interviewing and have described some of the bad experiences I've had in interviews. So I thought it would be…

Job search hoops

This morning (at 8 am Central Time) I got a call from a college on the east coast. They wanted to interview me for a reference librarian position I'd applied…

Home sweet home

I got back early Saturday morning from my interview trip and slept on-and-off all day. Travelling across time zones and the time change have really messed up my sleep cycle.…

My bags are packed…

Darn it! Spring's finally sprung in Chicago and I have to go away!!! Well, at least I had one lovely day of walking the city streets without mittens and seeing…

The job hunt heats up

I got a call yesterday from an institution I'd interviewed with over the phone last week. They want to fly me down to interview with the search committee, my potential…

Darn that dream

I've applied and interviewed for jobs that I have not gotten. I've gotten used to rejection letters and all that. Usually I don't get my hopes up, so it's not…

Networking basics

We all know what networking is, but as an MLS student or a new librarian with few connections, it is difficult to know where to begin. It can be particularly…