The “kept-up” distance learning librarianALA, blogging, job search, libraries, library school, RSS and Syndication, screencasting, social bookmarking, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 7/21/2005 with 15 comments

I have gotten several emails from library students who feel that their programs are not teaching them enough about technology. The student I heard from a few days ago expressed concerns that she would be at a distinct disadvantage when she got out of school and wondered if I learned what I know about technology …

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Research-phobialibrary school

by Meredith Farkas on 7/15/2005 with 6 comments

Joy at Wanderings of a Student Librarian wrote a great post on what’s wrong with so many Research Methods classes. Research Methods classes often seem to be taught because they’re a requirement and not to actually inspire in library students a passion for research and scholarly literature. For me, the passion for research came from …

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“Just do it”libraries, random, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 7/12/2005 with Comments Off on “Just do it”

Library Success wasn’t the only wiki to come out last week. We also saw the birth of the LISWiki, which has been criticized by various people in the biblioblogosphere (love that term! Thanks Karen!). I do agree with some of the critics that the LIS Wiki needs more of a defined focus and purpose, and …

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ALA Day 1: StarstruckALA, blogging

by Meredith Farkas on 6/24/2005 with Comments Off on ALA Day 1: Starstruck

My day didn’t really get started until mid-afternoon, but boy was the latter half of the day fabulous! You know when you’re around people who just “get it”? People you don’t have to sell on blogging and new technologies and change? Well, I had the pleasure of being in a room entirely filled with people …

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ALA Conference Schedule (revised)ALA, blogging, random

by Meredith Farkas on 6/22/2005 with Comments Off on ALA Conference Schedule (revised)

Whew! We’re finally back in Chicago after being out of town for almost the entire month of June. Can’t say I missed the traffic (Vermont is really nice that way). I’m totally worn out, but happy, and am so excited about the ALA Conference. There are so many amazing people I am dying to meet, …

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Blogging ALA on a wiki!ALA, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 6/9/2005 with Comments Off on Blogging ALA on a wiki!

When the wiki was first created, I put up a page for people who are blogging the conference so that people would know where they could find conference reports. Well, Luke, from the lbr blog took it one huge step further. Here’s an excerpt from the email he sent me: If a number of people …

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Selling change @ your librarylibraries, our digital future

by Meredith Farkas on 6/8/2005 with Comments Off on Selling change @ your library

Aaron at Walking Paper recently wrote a great post entitled Letting Go. In it, he encouraged librarians to let go of rules that really serve librarians rather than patrons (and often are barriers to patrons getting what they need from the library). Other than those rules preserving basic etiquette and safety, the rules should exist …

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Very snarfyALA, General, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 6/8/2005 with Comments Off on Very snarfy

I must apologize for the lack of posts this week. I’ve come down with a horrible cold (bordering on the flu) and I just haven’t felt up to doing much of anything. I can’t believe I was healthy all winter while cooped up inside and now that the weather is warm and beautiful, I’m stuck …

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Even more on our plateALA, random

by Meredith Farkas on 5/31/2005 with Comments Off on Even more on our plate

Not that we don’t have enough going on at the ALA Conference, but there are going to be two other very cool events happening in Chicago at the same time. The first is Wired’s Nextfest, which is being billed as the World’s Fair for technology. For those of us who love gadgets and still dream …

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Ooo baby, baby it’s a wiki worldALA, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 5/31/2005 with Comments Off on Ooo baby, baby it’s a wiki world

What I love best about wikis is that their content is not limited to the imagination of just a few people (like most websites are). Anyone can add new sections and content to the wiki that they think people would find useful. From the Curmudgeony Librarian’s rethinking of the Calendar of Events to Andrea’s rockin’ …

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No room at the inn?ALA, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 5/15/2005 with Comments Off on No room at the inn?

So, I’ve heard from several sources that there are no rooms left for the ALA Conference at the hotels suggested on the ALA’s website. Yikes! I live in Chicago, but I have never stayed in a hotel here, and therefore I really don’t have any insights other than to check and pick something in …

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A librarian is born!library school

by Meredith Farkas on 5/14/2005 with 3 comments

I just want to wish a hearty congratulations to Dorothea Salo who just received her MLS today. So glad you made it through! Ever since I started reading her blog, Dorothea has inspired and challenged me with her insightful comments and consistent questioning of the conventional wisdom (about everything). If you don’t read her blog, …

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