CFP: HigherEd BlogConblogging, libraries, our digital future, RSS and Syndication, screencasting, social bookmarking, tech trends, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 12/28/2005 with 2 comments

As you may know, I’m chairing the Library and Information Resources Track of HigherEd BlogCon, a totally online conference exploring the new technologies being used in higher education. Michelle Boule of the University of Houston is my fabulous partner-in-crime on this venture. The Call for Proposals for HigherEd BlogCon has been finalized, so I’m posting …

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Cool things I found this week2blogging, General, librarianship, libraries, our digital future, tech trends, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 12/11/2005 with 3 comments

Here are some of the great things I’ve found this week: Roy Tennant’s brilliant What I Wish I Had Known, a reflection on the things he would have been better off knowing back when he was finishing up library school. It’s important for people to reflect on their mistakes, both to learn from them and …

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I’m talking about wikis!libraries, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 12/11/2005 with 5 comments

Well, I guess that comes as no surprise, but this time I’ll actually be talking (as opposed to writing)! I’m so excited to be giving a live online talk about wikis for OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries). Participation is totally totally free and all you have to do is download a tiny little applet …

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Technology Implementation: My Brilliant Failuresblogging, libraries, MPOW, our digital future, RSS and Syndication, screencasting, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 12/4/2005 with 12 comments

I’m never afraid to try something and have it fail. I’d rather learn from a mistake than learn nothing because I was afraid to make a mistake. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Certainly, in the four months I’ve been at my job, I’ve learned a great deal (in …

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We’re hiringjob search, libraries

by Meredith Farkas on 12/2/2005 with Comments Off on We’re hiring

Just a head’s up for those on the job hunt, though this is not a position for those who are brand-new librarians. We are hiring a Coordinator of Public Services. Here’s the description and the requirements: Description: Norwich University’s Kreitzberg Library seeks a dynamic, team-oriented librarian for the position of Coordinator of Public Services. This …

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Cool things I found this weekblogging, job search, librarianship, libraries, our digital future, tech trends, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 12/1/2005 with 6 comments

The unsinkable Rachel Singer Gordon’s column about the role Gen-X’ers can play as a bridge between the boomers and the millennials. She’s dead-on and this is an article you should clip out and give to the boomer library administrators you know. Heidi Dolamore’s blog, Quiddle. Her posts about her job interviews should be read by …

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HigherEd BlogConblogging, libraries, our digital future, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 11/27/2005 with Comments Off on HigherEd BlogCon

HigherEd BlogCon is a totally online conference exploring the new technologies being used in higher education. I am thrilled to announce that I am going to be chairing the Library and Information Resource track for the conference and am excited about getting submissions from librarians who are thinking about the future of social software and …

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Social software metapostblogging, librarianship, RSS and Syndication, social bookmarking, tech trends, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 11/8/2005 with 4 comments

These days it’s completely impossible to keep up with all of the “Web 2.0” apps out there. I read eHub and TechCrunch and it seems like dozens of social software apps are released in beta (or even alpha!) each day. Social browsers, collaborative editing tools, RSS aggregators, social search, mashups of other social software apps …

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New-ish wiki on the block!librarianship, Wikis

by Meredith Farkas on 10/13/2005 with Comments Off on New-ish wiki on the block!

Well, it’s new to me at least! It’s always exciting for me to see librarians using wikis to share information. The fabulous folks at Librarians with class pointed out the Library Instruction Wiki, which was created by the Oregon Library Association’s Library Instruction Roundtable. It has the very wiki-propriate slogan “… stop reinventing the wheel…” …

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