Mobile Learning: The Teacher in Your Pocket


Mobile Learning: The Teacher in Your Pocket free the information!, instruction, libraries, open access, our digital future, tech trends, writing

by Meredith Farkas on 4/23/2013 with 4 comments

There’s a great new book out on mobile technologies in libraries and I was fortunate to have been asked to contribute a chapter on mobile learning and mobile instruction in libraries. The book is called The Handheld Library: Mobile Technology and the Librarian and it was edited by the undeniably awesome Tom Peters and Lori …

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My critique of Value of Academic Libraries and a happy update


My critique of Value of Academic Libraries and a happy update assessment, instruction, librarianship, libraries, writing

by Meredith Farkas on 4/21/2013 with 1 comment

My critique of the Value of Academic Libraries initiative has just been published in OLA Quarterly (it’s the first article in the PDF). I wrote it on the fly after a desperate request for content from the Oregon Library Association President, so it’s not my most thoughtful work, but I’m pretty happy with how it …

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Shared vision, transparency, and the high performing organization free the information!, knowledge management, libraries, management, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 3/12/2013 with 2 comments

As I’ve mentioned before, Lisa Hinchliffe and I presented on and authored a paper for the Library Assessment Conference in October. The spoke about applying the High Performance Programming Model of organizational transformation to building a culture of instructional assessment in libraries (and then applied that to our own libraries!). One of the major characteristics …

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The entrepreneurial library free the information!, Inspiring Stuff, instruction, librarianship, libraries, MPOW, tenure track

by Meredith Farkas on 11/29/2012 with 9 comments

Years ago, I visited the libraries at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. After lots of conversations, the one word that stuck with me was entrepreneurial. The library faculty there were a truly entrepreneurial bunch, creatively finding opportunities to improve services and raise the profile of the library through collaboration, experimentation, partnerships, grants, etc. When …

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Behavior vs. belief and changing culture assessment, free the information!, Inspiring Stuff, instruction, librarianship, libraries, management, social software, speaking

by Meredith Farkas on 7/23/2012 with 1 comment

At LOEX of the West this summer (a fantastic conference, btw), Joan Kaplowitz did a session where she started by asking attendees what words they associate with assessment. I won’t list the litany of negative terms that came from the audience, but I will say that the most positive word used to describe assessment was …

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Setting priorities instruction, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 5/18/2012 with 5 comments

In academic libraries, there are usually so many levels of priorities. There are the priorities of the university. There are the priorities of the library. Each unit probably has its own priorities, as does each individual. Ideally, these all sync up nicely, where an individual can show how their priorities mesh with library’s and university’s …

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Classic Blunder #2 – Assuming resistance is a bad thing assessment, classic blunders, instruction, librarianship, libraries, management, Work

by Meredith Farkas on 2/14/2012 with 7 comments

I remember when I was in library school, a lot of people talked about librarians who were resistant to change and would try to derail your exciting and innovative projects. Often, this discussion was couched in ageist “us” (young, innovative librarians) vs. “them” (old, set-in-their-ways librarians) terms, but even when it wasn’t, the assumption was …

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Classic blunder #1 – Let’s just try it and see what happens! classic blunders, instruction, librarianship, management

by Meredith Farkas on 1/28/2012 with 17 comments

There are a lot of popular assumptions people make in this profession that lead us to make classic blunders. These can be assumptions about the change process, assumptions about our colleagues, and assumptions about our patrons. We can go into developing a new service or technology with the best of intentions and fail spectacularly because …

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