Home sweet home

I got back early Saturday morning from my interview trip and slept on-and-off all day. Travelling across time zones and the time change have really messed up my sleep cycle.…

My bags are packed…

Darn it! Spring's finally sprung in Chicago and I have to go away!!! Well, at least I had one lovely day of walking the city streets without mittens and seeing…

Community at work

I just want to thank everyone who wrote me with insights and suggestions for my presentation. I have received so many wonderful emails over the past week from my colleagues.…

Podcasting in education

To continue my theme of practical user-centered applications of technology in libraries and education, I started thinking about podcasting. I don't really know how it could be used in libraries.…

Movers and Shakers!

Two bloggers from whose writing I get a great deal of food for thought were just named "movers and shakers" by Library Journal. Congratulations Aaron Schmidt and Michael Stephens! You…

The job hunt heats up

I got a call yesterday from an institution I'd interviewed with over the phone last week. They want to fly me down to interview with the search committee, my potential…

Geek confessions

Via the Eclectic Librarian, I learned about and helped to stop a grave injustice. What was this terrible injustice you might ask? It was poor Wesley Crusher (from Star Trek:…

Google Movies!

Yes, another new Google search tool (it seems like there's been a new one every day over the past few months!). Google Blog reports that Google has come out with…