Airport delay-enabled mini-postshi, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 4/12/2007 with 2 comments

My flight’s delayed until 2:20 (I’ve been here since 8:00 am) so I thought I’d blog a few things I’ve been wanting to mention but just haven’t had the time to write a substantial blog post about: Sarah Houghton-Jan’s amazing Library Technology Report, Technology Competencies and Training for Libraries. Well, I can only assume it’s …

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Fun with Elsevierreference

by Meredith Farkas on 4/9/2007 with 17 comments

At my school, we used to subscribe to the Science Direct engineering package for our online engineering students. It worked well, but got very little use since most of the engineering classes do not require research. Last year, we were informed that Science Direct was getting rid of the package we were subscribed to and …

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Who says memes are frivilous?blogging

by Meredith Farkas on 4/7/2007 with 2 comments

I just wanted to post a follow-up to the five non-library blogs meme started by Rachel Singer Gordon. Thanks to people’s posts on the topic (see here for many of them), I have discovered a whole mess of new blogs to enjoy! Here’s a list of the ones that I’ve subscribed to because of the …

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We could be heroesblogging, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 4/7/2007 with 9 comments

Wow! I’m really shocked that people would name me as a biblioblogger hero, but am even more shocked that Dorothea Salo would actually start a meme (yes, you did it Dorothea!). 😉 I don’t think I could possibly name just five bloggers who have influenced, inspired, challenged and educated me. I’ve learned something from every …

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I am such a sheep!hi

by Meredith Farkas on 4/5/2007 with 10 comments

Doggles and I joined the Mac cult Originally uploaded by librarianmer. This week I have joined not one, but two cults. First, I went and bought a MacBook Pro. It was really about time. I have not been able to update Windows on my VAIO since November, which means that I was using what was …

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Krabby Pattyblogging, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 3/28/2007 with 18 comments

I’ve got a long list of things I’d like to post about, but I’m just feeling crabby and unable to focus on them right now. I’m not feeling down about my own life. Other than the folks in IT doing something horrendous to our proxy server, my life’s pretty good. It’s just the state of …

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Want to implement social software at your library?free the information!, online education, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 3/22/2007 with 2 comments

If you have any interest in implementing social software tools at your library, you may want to check out some of the amazing proposals created by our participants for their libraries. I have organized the proposals by the technology they want to use and by library type. It’s obvious looking at proposals by tool that …

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Making Five Weeks to a Social Library happen: The down and dirtyfree the information!, online education, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 3/22/2007 with 4 comments

In this post, I’m going to talk about the decisions we made in creating the course and what I would do differently next time. Hopefully this will be useful to those of you who wish to replicate the course. I’m sure my fellow organizers will have other insights to add from their perspective. Certain decisions …

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A model for the future of online learningfree the information!, librarianship, online education, social software

by Meredith Farkas on 3/21/2007 with 10 comments

Last Spring, while Chairing the library track of HigherEd BlogCon and feeling like it was not an engaging enough online conference model, I had a crazy idea to create a free online conference with more synchronous and asynchronous pieces to really draw people in and build a community. I refused to believe that the only …

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You mean there are non library blogs?!?!?blogging

by Meredith Farkas on 3/20/2007 with 4 comments

Rachel Singer-Gordon has been thinking about what bloggy influences we have from outside of the library world. I read a bunch of non-library blogs in the other areas I’m interested in. Being a distance learning librarian, of course I’m interested in education and educational technologies. I’m also really interested in knowledge management because I get …

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Before I leave… help out Rachel Singer Gordon!librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 3/10/2007 with Comments Off on Before I leave… help out Rachel Singer Gordon!

I received this e-mail from Rachel the other day. If you are a librarian and consider yourself to be in an alternative career, please do consider helping her out. You could be part of what will certainly be another very cool book by Rachel Singer Gordon: I’m working on a book on alternative careers for …

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