Why Google (or Ask or Yahoo!) is good for reference workreference, search

by Meredith Farkas on 3/29/2006 with 15 comments

Google/Ask/Yahoo! is rarely the first place I will look for information when helping a student. If it’s a really current topic, I’ll try Academic Search Premiere and LexisNexis. If it’s something more scholarly and related to a specific subject, I will use subject databases, though I will usually try Academic Search Premiere as well since …

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Wanna be in my book? Librarians needed.Work

by Meredith Farkas on 3/27/2006 with 7 comments

For one chapter in my book on social software in libraries, I’m discussing how librarians can determine which tools are the best for their library and population. To that end, I’ve been interviewing folks who work in all different kinds of libraries (and with different populations) to offer their two cents on which social software …

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Planning a conferenceGeneral

by Meredith Farkas on 3/26/2006 with 8 comments

Jane Dysart writes a great post about the difficulties of scheduling and planning a conference in response to Walt Crawford’s criticism of CIL occurring at the same time as PLA. Hey, I surely don’t envy the job she has. I’m finding it stressful enough just to coordinate the people who are presenting for HigherEd BlogCon. …

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CIL06 Day 3: The Future of Catalogssearch, tech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 3/25/2006 with Comments Off on CIL06 Day 3: The Future of Catalogs

This session was PACKED! I came in with Dave King and we both had to sit on the floor. There aren’t too many folks I’d sit on the floor for, but Roy Tennant and Andrew Pace are definitely two of them. Roy and Andrew both took the word OPAC out of their presentaton, because it’s …

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CIL Day 3: Virtual Teaching Momentstech trends

by Meredith Farkas on 3/25/2006 with Comments Off on CIL Day 3: Virtual Teaching Moments

The Teaching Moment in Virtual Reference – Clara Hudson Clara Hudson is a librarian at the University of Scranton. When doing reference by phone e-mail and chat, we lose the visual cues we get at the reference desk. This is why communication skills are so important online and on the phone. On the positive side, …

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CIL2006 Here I come!blogging

by Meredith Farkas on 3/20/2006 with 1 comment

Tomorrow (very very early) morning Adam and I are hopping on a plane and heading to DC for Computers in Libraries. This is my first Computers in Libraries, so I’m really excited! It’s also my very first time doing any sort of speaking at a conference. I’m not too nervous, since if I can’t talk …

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Congratulations all around!librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 3/17/2006 with 13 comments

This has been a crazy few weeks. So many exciting things going on and so many people I want to congratulate. First, I want to congratulate Chris Deweese on the birth of his beautiful baby girl Tess Isabel. Something like that really puts everything else into perspective. YAY! Secondly, I want to congratulate Laura Crossett …

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Buy This Book. Now!job search, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 3/8/2006 with 8 comments

The NextGen Librarian’s Survival Guide by Rachel Singer Gordon If you’re a nextgen librarian, a new librarian, or someone who now or may one day be supervising nextgen librarians, you should run and order this book right now. I just got it in the mail last night and after looking at the Table of Contents, …

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Martyrdom and ALAALA, librarianship

by Meredith Farkas on 3/4/2006 with 12 comments

There was some sad ALA-related news this week. Karen Schneider, a passionate supporter of ALA, has had to quit ALA Council as a result of the funding cuts at her place of work, Librarians’ Internet Index. I’m sure this was a difficult decision for Karen, but a very understandable one in light of the fact …

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